Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Fury as dad denied funeral funds for ‘not being sick enough’ given appeal after he dies

His brother Dave Smith, 53, told the Daily Express last night he had been “broken” in his final days by his failure to get help. Dave said James “knew he was going” after battling chronic liver disease, blood vomiting, hypertension and depression. The father-of-six’s battle for benefits denied him precious moments at the last with his children and grandchildren, Dave said.

Rejection from the Department for Work and Pensions of his request for Personal Independence Payments “broke him”.

Then a month after his death, James’s family received a letter, addressed to him, inviting him to attend an appeal hearing scheduled for next month.

The case is one of the most shocking to be highlighted by the Daily Express Compassion for the Dying crusade.

Under current rules, a doctor must say someone has less than six months to live before they can receive fasttracked financial support.

The Daily Express and charities Marie Curie and the MND Association are calling for the six-month rule to be scrapped.

James was eventually rushed to hospital after he collapsed following a visit to the supermarket near his home, in Hastings, East Sussex.

He died days later on April 9, leaving behind four sons, two daughters, grandchildren and his partner, Edith.

Dave, also from Hastings, said “We have watched the DWP finish him before his time. I am convinced about for the dying that.

“He couldn’t say a lot, in the end, he was mumbling because everything was going, but he just said ‘I can’t believe it, I am dying, I am going to be dead, and I’m still not sick enough.”

Dave added: “They are still going ahead with the appeal. If they want to see him at the appeal hearing, I shall take along my share of his ashes and we shall see just how responsive he is to their questions.

“How sick is dead? He had nothing to pay for the funeral. I and his boys chipped in and covered the funeral costs. He didn’t have a penny. He was really struggling.

“His children are so upset. They didn’t get enough time with him before he went, which I think they would have had. But this consumed his whole life in the last months. It shouldn’t have.”

Dave added: “I don’t think I have grieved properly yet. I shouldn’t have to deal with all this rubbish but I am going to see it through.

“He should have got the benefits at the time and if we win the appeal, I want to give it back to his sons who contributed to his funeral costs because that is what he wanted. With his children and his grandchildren, he was brilliant.

“It broke his heart towards the end because he was in such a state that he couldn’t see them.

“But the state he was in was getting worse because of all this. I couldn’t stop this fiasco happening.

“Jamie throughout his life was never one to be seen crying other than at the death of close family members. But from December 2018 right up until his death in April we saw him cry many times in total frustration that delay after delay was being caused by the DWP and nobody was there to help him through it.”

Department for Work and Pensions assessors claimed James had no problems, scoring him “0” on all of the key tests used to determine if someone should have Personal Independence Payments.

The Hastings Advice and Representation Centre, which was helping him with his appeal, flagged up concerns about his ability to prepare food and communicate. Their separate scoring should have seen him receive benefits.

Dave added: “People don’t deserve to be treated like this. But it is far from unique and that is what is keeping me going, 17,000 people have now died while waiting for claims to be assessed or appeals to be heard. This whole process is so cruel.”

Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd has previously responded to our Compassion for the Dying crusade by promising to review the rules.

She said: “I’ve read some heartbreaking remarks and it’s pushed me to look at this with a fresh pair of eyes.”

To donate to James’s local hospital visit

Comment by Matthew Reed

Tragically, stories like James’s are more common than you would hope. Through our Scrap 6 Months campaign, we hear many stories from dying people, suffering because of benefits red tape.

A young mum of three with Motor Neurone Disease was denied benefits, even though her children have to help her to dress. All she wants is to make memories with them in the time she has left.

Instead, she has been wasting precious time fighting for support.

A lady with terminal bowel cancer, a life expectancy of two years and two teenage children has been waiting four months for a benefits decision.

Without family support, she would have lost her home.

She says at the rate things are going she’ll use her first payment to fund her funeral.

A young man used his student loan for his mum’s funeral after benefits failed to arrive.

His mum was worried about the cost but he wanted to reassure her.

Currently, benefits rules used by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) only class people as terminally ill if they have six months or less to live.

If doctors think they will live longer or are unsure how much they have left, they cannot get fast access.

Instead, they go through a lengthy application including face to face assessments and there is no guarantee they will get benefits.

The six-month rule is also genuinely confusing.

A woman with terminal cancer told us she questioned her diagnosis after being told she didn’t fit the DWP definition of a terminal illness.

The cruel six-month rule must be scrapped.

Anyone told they are terminally ill should get fast, easy access to the benefits they need.

This month we took a 55,000 petition with signatures of many Daily Express readers to Downing Street.

Together we called on Boris Johnson to act, and fast.

We welcome the review into the benefits system announced by Amber Rudd, but it must happen quickly.

Dying people don’t have time to wait for change.

Source: Read Full Article

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