Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024

Furious easyJet steward threatens to ‘fine family £100’ over toddler’s behaviour

An easyJet flight attendant was filmed threatening a family with a £100 cleaning fee after spotting their two-year-old son standing on a seat to look at his family in the row behind – despite the airline later confirming such a fee doesn’t exist.

The steward supposedly lectured the parents, claiming they had “failed to control him” during the flight from France back to the UK, reports the Mirror.

Bizarrely, the clip was filmed by Luisa Zissman, a star of BBC show The Apprentice. The 32-year-old shared the video on Instagram, writing: “The first thing she said which I sadly didn’t get on camera was ‘IF YOU CAN’T CONTROL YOUR CHILD AND STOP HIM STANDING ON THE SEAT I WILL FINE YOU £100 FOR CLEANING’ – the little boy didn’t even have shoes on!

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Zissman was clearly very upset with the easyJet attendant, adding: “If she said that to me I would have got £100 and stuck it in her big gob. Travelling with children is so stressful, all the b****cks about safety was a load of crap so she could attempt to justify her disgusting power trip. Give someone an orange uniform and BAM.”

easyJet said it never charges guests for cleaning, adding its employees always look out for the safety of passengers. In the clip, the attendant is heard telling the parents: “You need to make sure she is safe.”

But Zissman was not amused, adding that the “seatbelt sign” was not even on. She said: “It was totally out of order, intimidating behaviour.”

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“The little boy was about 2 and standing on the seat facing backwards to see his family in the row behind. He wasn’t crying or making any noise or fuss, poor little mite & poor parents!”

The incident occurred in 2019, and an easyJet spokesperson said at the time: “It is clear from the video the crew member is concerned for the safety of the child so requested that they either stand on the floor or sit on the seat.

“We don’t charge customers for cleaning. We are sorry if the manner in which the crew member explained this caused offence. The safety of our passengers and crew is our highest priority.”

Source: Read Full Article

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