Sunday, 9 Mar 2025

Firms must repair potholes up to five years after roadworks under new plans

Tougher new rules are being considered for utility companies who carry out roadworks that eventually cause potholes.

Firms will be asked to guarantee to fix potholes that form within five years of roadworks being completed under proposals to be considered by the Department for Transport (DfT).

At the moment the guarantee only lasts for two years.

Transport Secretary Chris Grayling said: “Potholes are the biggest enemy for road users and this government is looking at all options to keep our roads in the best condition.

“Road surfaces can be made worse by utility companies, so imposing higher standards on repairs will help keep roads pothole-free for longer.”

But Street Works UK, a trade association representing gas, electricity, water, sewage and telecommunications companies, said figures show the roadworks performance of the utilities sector is “significantly higher” than local authorities.

It says it is not necessary to increase the pothole guarantee to five years.

Chief executive Clive Bairsto said: “The government should not take forward proposals unless they are supported by a strong evidence base.

“Utilities and their contractor partners play a vital role in delivering and maintaining vital infrastructure which powers the economy, and it is crucial that any new regulations are proportionate.”

The government is also proposing to allow innovative road surfacing techniques to be used that make carriageways less prone to potholes.

These include using asphalt with a high bitumen content that is easier to compact to the required density.

According to the Asphalt Industry Alliance, one in five local roads in England and Wales is in a poor condition and the frequency of road resurfacing has declined.

Steve Gooding, director of the RAC Foundation, said potholes are “the bane of road users’ lives”.

While accepting that some work by utility companies requires digging up a road surface, he said “they should be held to account for repairing it properly”.

He added: “A five-year guarantee might cause the utility companies to sit up and take notice, but only if they believe local highway authorities will have the resource to monitor the state of repairs up to five years after they have been done.”

The DfT announced last year that councils across England could introduce lane rental schemes that charge utility companies up to £2,500 a day to dig up busy roads to reduce the time it takes to finish roadworks.

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