Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

‘Feral rats’ Horrifying moment young thugs batter and ‘stab’ man in city centre

Liverpool: Shocking moment man attacked in Williamson Square

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The yobs also stabbed the defencless victim, it is alleged. The footage, shared widely on social media, shows the thugs throwing kicks and punches in Liverpool city centre.

One man then puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out what appears to be a weapon, before moving his arm in three short sharp motions towards the victim lying on the floor.

Police have increased patrols in the city centre to help prevent any further incidents, Liverpool Echo says.

But the footage has shocked many social media users.

“The feral rats are free to viciously attack, stab and rob anyone,” reads one comment.

“Hope that poor lad is ok – sickening to watch,” states another.

“This is shocking,” posted another social media user.

Knife crime has no place whatsoever in our communities and we rely on members of the public coming forward with information about such incidents to keep our streets safer.

Chief Inspector Gary O’Rourke, of Merseyside Police

It is believed the fracas happened in Williamson Square, Liverpool, which was busy with revellers out drinking and enjoying the sunshine over the weekend.

Merseyside Police has urged any witnesses to come forward. Enquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances.

Chief Inspector Gary O’Rourke, of the force, said: “If you saw this shocking incident – if it was you filming the video, you are the victim or you witnessed anything then please tell us. Whether you come forward directly or anonymously, your information could be vital to help bring those responsible to justice.

“Knife crime has no place whatsoever in our communities and we rely on members of the public coming forward with information about such incidents to keep our streets safer.

“We are increasing patrols around the city centre today to make sure that everyone can enjoy themselves safely while out and about.”

He added: “As a force we have seen a decrease in reports of knife crime over the past two years. However, over this last week we have seen some unacceptable and criminal acts of violence in the city centre including two appalling hate crimes. We will continue to work tirelessly with the public and our partners to prevent violence and remove the scourge of knife crime from our streets.

“Reducing knife crime is one of our force priorities and our message to those who might think about carrying a knife is clear: It is just not worth the risk. Every day we are out on patrols, conducting stop searches, executing warrants, putting every effort into arresting offenders and putting them before the courts.

“We regularly search land and homes where we believe knives have been stored and if you involve yourself in knife crime, it is only a matter of time before you end up hurt or arrested.

“We are also working closely with our communities, schools and safeguarding partners to tackle knife crime by taking a more preventative approach, working to educate, divert and influence young people away from knives and other violent crimes.

“During Operation Sceptre, a dedicated week of action to tackle knife crime, police officers proactively engaged with young people to warn them about the dangers of carrying a knife and what this sort of criminal activity can lead to.

“We will never stand by and allow people to carry knives and threaten the safety of themselves and others. With the public’s help, we can make Merseyside a safer place and I appeal to anyone who has any information in relation to this incident, or knife crime in Merseyside to contact police.”

Anyone with any information about knife crime in Merseyside, or who has any information on the incident in Williamson Square and other violent incidents being investigated in the City this week are asked to contact us via our social media desk via Twitter @MerPolCC or Facebook ‘Merseyside Police Contact Centre’ with reference 414 of 13/06.

Source: Read Full Article

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