Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Farmers launch attack on Brexit delayers after three years of ‘uncertainty’

Minette Batters explained farmers jobs have been put “on hold” as the industry brace for a deal or no deal Brexit which has led to many British businesses feeling frustrated. She added they want to come out with a deal but no matter who the Prime Minister is, Brexit has to be sorted. Her coments come as Prime Minister Boris Johnson faces being forced to ask for another extension to Article 50 if a deal isn’t agreed by the deadline. 

Ms Batters told “I think farmers were lied to and they feel, some of them, very differently now because this uncertainty is the worst thing for our industry.

“We’re had three years of uncertainty and of course for every British citizen they are frustrated that the day job is jut being put on hold.

“Everything that matters to each and every one of us we don’t feel is being taken forward.

“I think there is enormous frustration in the time that Brexit has taken.

“You’ve got the polar opposites of leave without a deal or stay altogether.

“They need to take the centre-ground where we leave with a deal in an orderly manner.

“Parliament has to come together. The other options and there are only three, we leave with a deal, without a deal or not at all.

“Whatever happens, changes in Prime Minister, nothin changes the fact that those are the three options and we are absolutely saying leave with a deal.”

Ms Batters’ comments come as Tory MP Owen Paterson said Brexit is a “huge opportunity” to smash into new markets and benefit from the latest agricultural innovations.

The prominent Brexiteer’s claims come after he dismissed a leaked government document on no-deal warnings as “project fear”.

The Conservative MP for North Shropshire said the report on Operation Yellowhammer, which suggested there could be food and medicine shortages after a hard Brexit, was “an attempt to frighten” the British public.

Writing in the Daily Telegraph, he said: “Boris Johnson’s unequivocal message that the Withdrawal Agreement is ‘dead’ is good news for the UK’s farmers.


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“Its dire ramifications would have all but ceded control of UK agriculture to the EU.

“We would not even have been free to decide the levels of financial support for landowners; the terms of the Agreement would have forced the UK to keep support for British producers pegged at the 2019 level while allowing EU competitors to increase theirs, handing them an enormous advantage.”

Mr Paterson said the UK must distance itself from production subsidies in order to break into new markets.

Instead, he said, farmers should be offered cash rewards for rolling out schemes benefitting the environment and the public.

Additional reporting by Caitlin Collins

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