Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Farage left shocked as caller suggests Brexit plan that would spark ‘chaos across Europe’

Nigel Farage was shocked by a Brexiteer, who revealed how Boris Johnson could spark “chaos in Europe”. A Brexit-backing voter called Mr Farage on his LBC programme to deliver his “crass idea” that would deliver Brexit. The caller, named Neil, laid the blame for the ongoing Brexit deadlock on Parliament, saying they had “stopped us from leaving in October”.

Neil said: “I’ve got an idea, it may be crass.

“But, what if Boris on 31st October, announces in Parliament that a letter has been dispatched to Brussels and will be delivered the same day.

“We will be telling the EU that from the 1st November, not a single penny will be paid from the UK exchequer to the EU. Not one penny.

“That would cause a chaotic reaction, as I’m sure you know.”

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Neil suggested that this plan would trigger an automatic election, that would return a Brexit-backing Parliament.

He told Mr Farage: “We would be threatened with immediate trade sanctions, no exports, no imports.

“That would cause chaos in Europe. That would cause Europe to turn around to Remainers in Parliament and say, you have to sort this out.

“The gloves are off. Brussels are already playing a very dirty game.”

The Brexit Party leader, who was left stunned by the plan, said that the EU would likely respond with force.

He explained: “They would try to punish us through whatever way they could.

“That could be through trade, or closing the border or, even trying to bring the Government down, who knows.”


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Meanwhile, Boris Johnson has said “there is a way” of getting a new Brexit deal, after he defended the decision to suspend Parliament for five weeks.

Mr Johnson rejected claims the suspension was an affront to democracy.

He pointed out that the opposition parties had been given the chance of an election before the Brexit deadline on 31 October but had repeatedly rejected it.

The Prime Minister, who met the leadership of Northern Ireland’s DUP earlier today, said claims this was undemocratic were “nonsense”.

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