Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Extinction Rebellion: ‘Just a field day’ Climate change activists mocked in BBC QT clash

The comments came during a heated discussion around the methods used by the activists to raise awareness for their climate change cause. An audience member asked the question: “Should climate change activists be applauded or arrested?” It led into enflamed debates over the recent take over of the capital.

One audience member said: “Obviously we all know the environment is a huge issue.”

He went on to say he found it interesting to discuss the method because all he saw were “soap dodgers” with “dreadlocks”.

Host Fiona Bruce interrupted the man saying he “could be maligning a whole group of people”.

The man continued to criticise the activists of the group.

He argued: “I think when you see these people dancing in the streets, it’s not a protest, it’s just a field day.

“I just think it’s the wrong type of people who are putting out this message.

“There is a real argument for the environment and it’s completely painting the wrong picture.”

He went on to highlight how the protests had stopped people getting to work.

JUST IN: BBC Question Time: Viewers furious at Extinction Rebellion invitation

The man said went on to claim the protests were creating problems for normal people.

He said: “It should be a problem that we all adopt and we all change our regular lifestyles for.

“I think its really important that we make this a proper issue and not make it look stupid.”

Another audience member added to the discussing by claiming the activists were alienating themselves from the cause.


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He said: “What we have now is activists in London who are actually alienating people against them.

“I think they’re starting to destroy the argument. They need to be very careful.”

It followed an outburst from former Dragons Den star Theo Paphitis who also condemned Extinction Rebellion for their methods.

Extinction Rebellion spokesman Rupert Read previously defended his group by telling audiences the new methods of raising awareness were working.

He said: “If there are better methods I’m all ears because I’ve been working in this game for a long time.

“I’ve been working for non-Governmental organisations for years, working in the Green Party knocking on doors for years – and do you know what? None of it worked.

“We’re still on the same trajectory as we have been for the past 20 years, but then, in April we had Extinction Rebellion and the first glimmer of things starting to change, we managed to push the issue up the agenda – it’s because of the brave souls.”

While Mr Read was talking, Mr Paphitis shook his head and then called him “deluded”.

According to reports, the protests will go on for at least another week.

Source: Read Full Article

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