Sunday, 22 Sep 2024

Express smashes into Top 10 of world’s most read news websites

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The research by industry newspaper Press Gazette, analysed the month-on-month traffic for online news websites and ranked the top 50 by the number of visits. Most of the top ten sites saw slightly more traffic in July than June. Of the other top ten sites only, and saw small falls in the number of visits. and combined came out on top in terms of total visits with 1.3 billion website visits in July. 


The 6th largest website belonged to The Guardian which had no change year on year with an impressive 317 million page visits. 

Geoff Marsh, Daily Express Online Director said: “In the 1940s the Express was the biggest-selling newspaper in the world. So, for the Express website to follow in the paper’s historic footsteps and become one of the biggest digital news brands on the planet is a hugely significant achievement.

“This hasn’t come about overnight. It’s been the result of many years of relentless hard work and dedication by a brilliant, energetic team determined to deliver the best news, sport, features and entertainment on the web.

“Our growth story is far from over and in the coming years we’re optimistic that millions more people, all around the world, will choose us as their favourite news website.” 


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