Thursday, 6 Mar 2025

Evil woman killed dog by hurling poisonous meat over neighbour’s fence ‘Died suffering’

CCTV captures neighbour poison pet dog with tainted meat

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Susan Foster, 60, put anti-freeze in meat which she threw over the fence to her neighbour’s garden. Colin Stark’s dog, Roxy, a German shepherd, ate the meat – leading her to falling ill and being put down four days later. CCTV from the house caught the whole thing and even captured Foster trying to destroy the evidence by taking the camera.

Foster was given a suspended sentence for her sickening actions.

Mr Stark spoke for the first time since the harrowing incident took place about how he tried to stop her taking the cameras.

He said: “I’m banging on her front windows, saying ‘give me my camera back.’

“My voice was quite loud, because I was really annoyed, and my wife said, ‘You need to stop shouting, just pack it in and call the police.’

“But within 30 seconds of her saying that, she came out with the camera, and a few words were then spoken to one another.

“She gave it back, and it’s got her on camera in her house, walking through her house.”

Heartbroken Colin added: “Nothing can bring Roxy back, she was a lovely dog.

“We’ve got pictures of her. We’ve got one over the fireplace. It’s one the children gave us for Christmas.

“It says ‘the boss lives here’ because she was the boss of the house, and it’s a lovely picture of her just laying on the floor.”

Mr Stark explained how the incident “came out of the blue”, with him realising something was wrong when Roxy began throwing up in the garden.

He said: “We kept an eye on Roxy. She wasn’t being her normal self.

“She was lethargic, she would just lay there.

“Over the course of the day, she was getting worse and worse.

“We then took her to the vets and took samples of the meat, and he said: ‘I think that’s poison’.”

Colin continued: “I played it back after Roxy had been put to sleep, and on my laptop I could see something is coming over.

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“I thought ‘Was that a bird or something?’ and then I played it back slower, and you could see it was things being thrown over the fence.

“The camera’s got an alarm trigger, so it detects motion, and it set off a trigger on my phone at 11:45 pm on Saturday.

“I looked at the alarm, and at first I couldn’t work out what it is.

“Then I realise it’s a hand, and it’s her hand going all over the camera, and then eventually, her face appears on the camera.”

nspector Bradshaw from the RSPCA, who led the investigation, said: “This was an incredibly sad case – Roxy was a beloved pet – and her owners were heartbroken by their loss.

“This act caused Roxy an immense amount of pain and suffering, and deteriorating clinical signs meant this poor dog ended up losing her life as a result.”

Foster was given a 6 week jail sentence which was suspended for 12 months and ordered to carry out 15 Rehabilitation Activity Requirement days.

Foster was also disqualified from keeping all animals for 12 months and ordered to pay £2,040 in court costs, £627 compensation to Roxy’s owners and a £120 victim surcharge.

Source: Read Full Article

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