Thursday, 10 Oct 2024

‘Even an apology will not fix divide!’ Meghan and Harry warned over Royal Family ‘damage’

Meghan and Harry 'may always have divide with royals' says expert

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Charlie Lankston told Access that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s LA lifestyle is at odds with what the Royal Family stands for. The royal commentator also pointed to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s partnership with Netflix, the company the produces The Crown, as a source of friction.

Ms Lankston said: “I do not truly know if Meghan and Harry can live the life in LA that we know they want to and still expect to be on excellent terms with the Royal Family.

“To me, those two things sit very much at odds.

“I do not know how for example they can pursue a Netflix deal worth. we think a hundred million dollars when Netflix is the same streaming site that is responsible for a TV show that we know has caused quite a lot of damage to the Royal Family.

“It is things like that, where you know even if they were to take back everything they had said, even if they were to apologise for everything that was said and done if they wish to keep living that life there is always going to be a little bit of a divide.”

The Royal Family has suffered backlashes as a result of Netflix’s The Crown which dramatises events in the history of the Monarchy.

Last year following the fourth season of The Crown being released on Netflix, Prince Charles and Camilla were forced to turn off comments on their social media after they suffered a “despicable” backlash.

Royal commentator Rachel Bowie told the Royally Obsessed podcast: “It is awful that Charles and Camilla have had to turn off social media commenting because of the backlash.

“Seeing that and how it plays out, I think it is despicable.”

Prince Harry discusses Netflix show The Crown

The Economist wrote regarding the series: “All drama that involves real people is, to some extent, fiction: when Charles and Diana stared into each other’s eyes and realised it was over, no one else was in the room where it happened.

“If those being portrayed are dead, decently behaved and unimportant, nobody cares what lines scriptwriters make up for them.

“But if they are alive, adulterous and the heir to the throne, things are bound to get sticky.”

In December 2020, the UK’s Culture Secretary told Sky News that Netflix should follow the example set by BBC and ITV in showing a warning regarding dramatised events at the beginning of the series.


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Oliver Dowden said: “The Crown is actually produced in my constituency.

“I have a great deal of respect for the production values, it is beautifully produced.

“The point is that it is not historically accurate, just as when the BBC or ITV produce these shows they put a warning on at the start to say this is a work of fiction.

“I made the point that Netflix should do this. I do not think that is outrageous, I think that is what you would expect from other broadcasters.”

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