Friday, 7 Mar 2025

EU snub: How Boris Johnson savaged former European Commission President

The former Foreign Secretary received 126 votes from Tory MPs in the second round of voting yesterday and is highly likely to reach the last two. The final result will be decided by Tory Party members, a group in which Mr Johnson’s approval rating is very high. After the BBC Tory leadership debate last night, Mr Johnson’s odds are 1/7 to be the next Tory leader, compared to 12/1 for Jeremy Hunt and 16/1 for Rory Stewart.

The former London Mayor has promised to take the UK out of the EU by October 31 – deal or no deal – if he becomes Prime Minister.

However, he first made his name as a Eurosceptic back when he was Brussels correspondent for the Telegraph between 1989 and 1994.

During this time, he regularly savaged Mr Delors, the mastermind behind the Maastricht Treaty which cemented further European integration.

One particular article sparked huge debate in Denmark that threw a spanner in the works for Mr Delors.

READ MORE: Boris Johnson claims to have caused Denmark to reject Maastricht

The headline was ‘Delors plans to rule Europe’ and in the article Mr Johnson accused the EU boss of planning to create a European President and centralise more power to Brussels once the Maastricht treaty had been ratified.

In a 2003 article, Mr Johnson recalled how the foreign editor told him the story had been made the splash in the Daily Telegraph – the main article on the front page.

He said: “Cor, I thought. That was a bold way of expressing it, and I wasn’t sure that my chums in the EC commission would be thrilled.

“But the splash was the splash and I was happily contented.”

The article was seized on by Eurosceptics in Denmark, which was due to have a referendum on the Maastricht treaty.

‘No’ campaigners began to use the article as ammunition for their cause.

Mr Johnson claimed: “They photocopied it a thousandfold. Thy marched the streets of Copenhagen with my story fixed to their banners.”

Then on June 2, Denmark voted ‘No’ by a small majority and forced through four Danish exceptions into the treaty.

This article was by no means an exception, though. 

Mr Johnson frequently wrote articles slamming the Commission and therefore Mr Delors.

He wrote articles with mocking headlines like ‘Brussels recruit sniffers to ensure that Euro-manure smells the same’ and ‘Snails are fish, says EU’.

Mr Johnson told the BBC: “I was sort of chucking these rocks over the garden wall and I listened to this amazing crash from the greenhouse next door over in England, as everything I wrote from Brussels was having this amazing, explosive effect on the Tory party.

“And it really gave me this, I suppose, rather weird sense of power.”

His articles were highly entertaining and spurred on other newspapers to go along similar lines.

For example, The Sun famously ran a front-page story with the headline ‘Up yours, Delors!’

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