Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

EU migrants who come to UK won't be able to claim benefits for five years

Any migrants from the EU arriving in the UK from January 1 will be barred from claiming benefits for a period of five years.

Work and Pensions Secretary Therese Coffey is expected to confirm today that those coming to the UK from the continent will be subject to the same rules as those coming from the rest of the world.

There will also be changes to child benefits rules, meaning workers will no longer receive money for children living outside the UK, according to the Daily Mail.

Ms Coffey said: ‘We have delivered on our manifesto commitment to restore fairness in access to our welfare system by treating EU and non-EU migrants equally. It is both right and fair that people making the UK their home should pay into the tax system for a reasonable period of time before they can access the benefit system.’

Under the existing regime, which expires tomorrow night when the UK’s Brexit transition period ends, migrants from the EU could claim income-related benefits within their first 12 months in Britain.

EU nationals already living in the UK and those from Ireland will not be affected by the change of rules.

It will be replaced by a points-based system in which migrants from the EU will be required to speak English and have secured a job offer, the Mail reports.

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