Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

EU fury: How Brussels was blasted for ‘assault on democracy’ during stalled trade talk

Trade talks between the EU and US started in February 2014, and were supposed to be the biggest in the world, forming a market that boosted the EU economy by £101billion, the US economy by £76billion and the rest of the world by £85billion. But after key information on the deal was allegedly leaked, the European Commission sought to make trade talks secretive by enclosing documents in a reading room with a high security presence.

Known as “consolidated texts”, the information on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was only able to be accessed by authorised figures.

An investigation by German news site highlighted that EU member states who had accessed documents on the deal electronically had been accused of leaking information by Brussels.

EU Trade Commissioner at the time, Cecilia Malmström, said no more reports on TTIP negotiations would be sent to Member States because of “important vulnerabilities in the last rounds of negotiations”.

Within the EU, Commission negotiators from the department for Trade, MEPs and MPs can view the documents.

However, those accessing information on the trade deal were banned from bringing electronic devices into the secure rooms at the European Commission HQ in Brussels.

Blank sheets of paper, marked with the reader’s names, were provided on which visitors can jot down their notes.

On the US side, the procedure was similar, with only Senators and USTR negotiators able to access the documents and forced to comply with similar conditions.

Journalist Lee Williams hit out at the policy calling it “an inherent assault on democracy”, and politicians were also enraged in an article for the Independent.

Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs stated that the Commission’s decision was “counterproductive”.

Klaus Ernst, a German MP, said: “This operation is simply unacceptable. The EU Commission has completely become independent, while it is also negotiating on behalf of the Member States.”

The European Commission denied restricting access to TTIP documents.

Brussels also sparked fury during their US trade talks due to a controversial Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) policy.

ISDS is an instrument that allows an investor to bring a case directly against the country hosting its investment, without the intervention of the government of the investor’s country of origin.

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This policy was included in the US-EU trade deal during negotiations, with many warning that it could undermine democracy.

In September 2015, the European Commission was forced to make concessions on their deal after widespread criticism.

Brussels instead put forward an “Investment Court System” to replace the ISDS clauses, with the scope for investor challenge much reduced and with “highly skilled judges” rather than arbitrators used to determine cases.

The deal would ultimately fall apart anyway as negotiations were dashed when US President Donald Trump, who pledged during his presidential campaign he would scrap negotiations with Brussels which had already stalled under Barack Obama.

The European Commission published a document in April 2019 stating that negotiations have been declared “obsolete and no longer relevant”.

In it, Brussels claims it could no longer agree to a trade arrangement with the US, stating it would be “appropriate to pursue with the United States a more limited agreement.”

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