Sunday, 23 Jun 2024

EU crisis: Spurned Western Balkan states warn of plunge into criminal and financial chaos

Reforms, demanded before membership talks can be triggered, face rapidly unravelling, the leaders of both countries have warned. Albania’s Edi Rama said his country faces becoming “collateral damage” from the deep divisions over enlargement policy emerging across the EU. Whereas, North Macedonia’s Zoran Zaev claimed the recent decision to block membership talks risks returning his ethnically divided country to its “bad past”.

Last month President Emmanuel Macron effectively blocked opening accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania at a summit of European leaders.

The Netherlands and Denmark also opposed allowing formal negotiations on Albania’s potential EU membership.

Mr Zaev bemoaned the EU’s decision after being forced battle a nationalist surge to negotiate a name change for his country.

Greece refused to allow EU and Nato accession talks unless Mr Zaev could convince North Macedonians – formerly Macedonians – to adopt the new name.

“Part of the process is irreversible, but I worry there could be a return to the bad past that we had,” he told the Financial Times.

“If there is enough nationalist rhetoric, radical acting and speeches in North Macedonia, that will give arguments to Greek politicians to use the same kind of rhetoric… and that can lead to everyone to take concrete steps which will not be good for my region or my country.”

While committed to continuing the EU’s demand for reforms, Mr Zaev has said he will resign and trigger a general election.

The name change agreement could be in jeopardy if his party doesn’t win, he adds.

Mr Rama, the prime minister of Albania, shared a similar disheartened message.

He described the EU shutting the door as a “heavy psychological shock in the country”.

“We were cut twice from Europe brutally, once for five centuries under the Ottoman Empire and then for half a century under the most brutal communist regime,” he said.

“No one can live with the idea that there can be a third time, and that this time it can be Europe who cuts us brutally from itself.”

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Mr Rama added: “Europe is in a period where it will get worse before it gets any better and we are just the collateral damage.”

The decision to block accession talks has also prompted fears of the two Western Balkan states becoming “easy pickings” for China and Russia.

Judy Dempy, a senior fellow at Carnegie Europe in Berlin, said: “Promises have been broken.

“The Western Balkans is now easy picking for the Chinese and Russian influence.”

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Mr Zaev also stressed that “third forces” would seek to take advantage of the EU’s rejection of Albania and North Macedonia.

He said: “This gives space for third forces, which are not very helpful, who do not offer us democracy, freedoms and rule of law.”

For both North Macedonia and Albania, they now believe that the possibility of EU membership is at least a decade away.

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