Friday, 5 Jul 2024

Donald Trump has trouble with directions at Nato summit

The Nato summit has brought together some of the world’s most well educated people.

But despite those gathered being able to lead a country (albeit to various degrees of success), the simple matter of directions has quite literally got lost on them.

The 29 politicians posed for a ‘family photo’ before breaking up for the morning.

Eager to get away, Boris Johnson was the first to break his smiling composure and can been seen directing Donald Trump to follow him out of the summit hall via the exit on his right.

But much like his ‘do or die’ promise to get Brexit done by October 31, the Prime Minister was forced to do a u-turn after quickly realising he’d gotten things wrong.

An awkward video clip shows the PM and Donald Trump looking confused as they are guided out of the hall in the opposite direction.

While Mr Johnson appears to laugh off the gaffe, his US counterpart looks less then impressed.

It was the second time of the day Trump appeared to struggle with directions, having made a wrong turn earlier in the morning.

Donald Trump made a brief camera appearance to shake hands with the Prime Minister but had to be physically turned around after attempting to exit the wrong side of the stage.

Trump’s trouble with directions comes after world leaders were caught appearing to mock the US president.

Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron and Boris Johnson appear to have been caught laughing at Donald Trump during NATO summit drinks.

The Canadian prime minister can be heard saying: ‘He was late because he takes a 40-minute press conference off the top.

‘You just watched his team’s jaws drop to the floor.’

The president was expected to take only a few questions to mark his arrival in the UK on Monday for the 70th anniversary of the military alliance.

But his impromptu press conference lasted 40 minutes and saw him attack French president Macron for saying that the Nato alliance was going ‘brain dead’.

The summit is taking place at The Grove Hotel in Chandler’s Cross, Watford – a luxury hotel which also offers a spa and golf.

Members of the trans-Atlantic organisation are due to publish a declaration underlining their commitment to Nato on its 70th birthday, and to show that the alliance is adapting to modern threats and potential new adversaries like China.

The gathering of the 29 leaders follows Trump’s frequent criticism of alliance members for falling short in doing their financial part through the first three years of his presidency.

The leaders were hosted at Buckingham Palace by The Queen on Monday night and today are in Watford for behind-closed-doors talks.

Before journalists were shut out today, Boris Johnson said Britain is ‘rock solid’ in its commitment to Nato.

He said: ‘The fact that we live in peace today demonstrates the power of the simple proposition at the heart of this alliance: that for as long as we stand together, no-one can hope to defeat us, and therefore no-one will start a war.’

The summit has attracted some controversy, with hundreds of NHS workers and anti-war activists leading a protest against Donald Trump’s arrival in central London yesterday.

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