Friday, 7 Mar 2025

Doctor accused of sexually assaulting woman by depositing semen into her coffee

A doctor has been accused of sexually assaulting a woman by depositing his semen into her coffee cups for nearly a year, a court has heard. In a trial at Gloucester Crown Court, the alleged victim “became concerned there might be something not right about the hot drinks.” Dr Nicholas John Chapman, 55, went on trial accused of two counts of attempting to cause a woman, aged 16 or over, to engage in sexual activity without her consent. 

The victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, discovered a “gloopy” substance at the bottom of her coffee cup when she finished hot drinks handed to her by the defendant, the court was told. 

After she became suspicious and reported her findings to the police, it was confirmed the substance was “semen that related to the doctor.” When the allegations came to light, the GP was arrested and suspended from his post at a health centre in Somerset.

The prosecution barrister, Richard Posner said: “She had good reason to be suspicious because there was a substance in her coffee that had no business being there at all. The defendant’s semen had been added to the drinks that the prosecution says he had been making for her.”

He added: “By adding semen to coffee, he had been attempting to engage her in a form of sexual activity – by her ingesting his semen.”

The two charges are that on September 13, 2021 and between September 12, 2020 and September 12, 2021 he attempted to engage in sexual activity without consent by making her ingest his semen.

The victim would often comment on the taste and texture of the coffee. Mr Posner added: “She took a sip of her drink and spat it out into the sink.

“It didn’t taste right. It tasted salty. She tipped the remainder into the sink and saw a thick, gloopy substance go into the sink She just knew it was something that shouldn’t have been there. She did not for a moment think it could have been semen.”

The woman “realised the reality” of what had been happening when she noticed a plastic specimen in his trouser pocket that had “no business being there”.

After waiting until another drink was made for her the following week, some of the substance was retrieved and put into specimen pots. Samples were put in the freezer and provided to the police. Analysis of the coffee made in September 2021, found the semen and DNA provided a match to the defendant.

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Dr Chapman later claimed that due to a condition, he lets out semen while defecating, and some “residue” might have remained on his hands.

Mr Posner said the defendant accepted he had “masturbated in toilets” but was “not sexually gratifying himself over the victim and he may not have washed his hands.”

Mr Posner added: “The prosecution case is he did not have a reasonable explanation for his semen being in her drinks.”

The defence, barrister, Virginia Cornwall, told the court her defendant did not have any sexual interest in the victim. She said: “He did not make coffee on September 13 and denies putting anything into her coffee at any time and does not know who did so. He did not tamper with her coffee – and can only assume someone else did as a prank.”

Ms Cornwall added: “While a sample of coffee collected from September 13 contained his biological fluid, he has an underlying medical condition where semen will discharge when opening his bowels.”

She said the semen was a “by-product of defecation and not sexual in nature.”

Dr Chapman was born in South Africa, where he qualified as a doctor at the University of Cape Town in 1993.

The trial continues.

Source: Read Full Article

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