Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

‘Ditch it entirely!’ Vine guest insists Royal Family should be ‘put in a box with goblins’

Royals ‘should be put in a box’ with ‘goblins’ says Purkiss

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The political commentator insisted Prince William need not bother to ensure the future of the Royal Family as she insisted the institutions should be “ditched” completely. Ms Purkiss questioned the outdated views of monarchs ascending the throne out of “divine right” as she challenged the suitability of younger members of the family to succeed the Queen. She told Jeremy Vine on Five: “The Queen has behaved impeccably but the people that follow her…

“Charles is currently being investigated by the Met Police for this cash for honours scandal.

“Her other son, Prince Andrew, don’t get me started.

“The idea that these people are supposed to be beacons of morality, to show us the way of how to live our lives, they’re chosen by God via this divine right of kings to lord it over us is nonsense.”

She suggested the concept of monarchy is a “fantasy” and should be shelved alongside other elements of fairytales.


She added: “The idea of royalty, to me, is fantasy.

“It should be put in a box with fairies and goblins and dwarves. It’s nonsense, it’s just nonsense.

“I can’t believe we all play around this charade. Fair play to William for accepting there is a need to change but I don’t think he should be saving it.

“I think he should be bowing out, this is time to check out.”

Royal expert says William and Kate’s Caribbean tour was ‘disaster’

The comment came as part of a discussion on the future of the Royal Family after the Duke of Cambridge offered insight into his strategy for the monarchy.

In an unprecedented statement following his and Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge’s return from an eight-day tour of Belize, Jamaica, and the Bahamas, Prince William addressed speculation about the Caribbean nations seeking to remove the Queen as Head of State.

The Duke insisted he and Kate are “committed to service” and their role was supporting the people rather than “telling them what to do.”

Reports suggested the tour “brought into e even sharper focus” questions about the past conduct of the Royal Family and the future of the monarchy.


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The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were met with protests in Belize and Jamaica, where Prime Minister Andrew Holness insisted the country is ready to move forward from its ties with the UK.

The Duke is also reported to have met with aides following backlash over some of the stylistic choices made during the tour.

The couple were accused of being “tone deaf” after being photographed meeting with locals standing behind a wire mesh fence in Jamaica.

The pair also faced criticism after riding in the back of a Land Rover in images many claimed harked back to colonial times.

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