Monday, 23 Sep 2024

Disaster for Sturgeon! Report finds Scotland has worst education system in UK

Question Time: Dewberry says SNP may not meet EU 'criteria'

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The research was conducted by the Legatum Institute’s Centre for UK Prosperity. It found Scotland performs particularly badly relative to the rest of Britain amongst younger age groups.

According to the report, just 71 percent of Scottish primary students leave school with the expected literacy level, six points down on the UK average.

It also found many Scottish councils are “struggling to deliver key services” undermining the economy.

The Scottish Conservatives hit out at Ms Sturgeon after the research was published claiming she has been “too obsessed over another independence referendum to support Scotland’s schools”.

Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, Jamie Greene, Scottish Tory education spokesperson, was damning of the SNP’s record.

Referring to Scottish schools, he said: “They were once the envy of the world, but over the SNP’s 14 years in charge they have presided over a shameful record when it comes to education.

“From cutting thousands of teachers from our classrooms, to failing to reduce the attainment gap, limiting subject choice and dropping their flagship education bill, SNP Ministers have failed a generation of school pupils.”

Ms Sturgeon has previously described closing the performance gap between Scotland’s richer and poorer students as her “defining mission”.

However according to Audit Scotland this divide “remains wide”.

Mr Greene tweeted: “A generation of school pupils have been let down by the SNP.”

Ms Sturgeon pledged to push ahead with plans for a second independence referendum after last week’s election result.

Combined the SNP and Greens have a nationalist majority in the Scottish Parliament.

This is despite most Scots voting for pro-UK parties in the constituency vote.


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In total the SNP took 64 Scottish Parliament seats, a rise of one on their previous figure.

The Tories secured 31, Labour 22, the Green’s eight and the Liberal Democrats four.

Mr Johnson is arguing now is not the time for a second referendum on Scotland’s place within the UK.

Instead, he is urging Ms Sturgeon to focus on recovery from the coronavirus crisis.

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The British Government gave its consent to the 2014 referendum which saw Scotland vote to remain part of the UK.

However, it is currently strongly opposed to a second referendum.

Senior SNP figures have suggested the party could hold a “wildcat” referendum without Westminster’s permission.

If this happens Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross is urging unionists to boycott the poll.

He argues the SNP lack the mandate for another independence vote.

After the Scottish Parliament election results were announced he tweeted: “The Scottish Conservatives have stopped an SNP majority, stopped indyref2 and won more votes than ever before.”
Source: Read Full Article

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