Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

'Depraved' man waited for stranger to leave Tesco and strangled her on street

A young woman was grabbed from behind, pulled to the ground and strangled by a ‘dangerous and depraved’ stranger as she walked home from Tesco.

Sean Shortland, 25, waited for the shopper, 22, to leave the shop before pouncing in a random attack on the street – but she was saved by heroes who happened to be walking by.

He is due to ‘spend a long time in prison’ for attempted murder after the victim ‘courageously’ took to the stand to face him in court.

The woman was unaware Shortland was watching her as she popped into a Tesco Express in Northampton.

She felt like someone was following her as she left the store and walked down Artizan Road on June 8, 2020.

Before she knew what was happening, Shortland had grabbed her from behind, covered her mouth and pulled her to the ground.

He climbed on top of the terrified victim before putting his hands around her throat and strangling her.

Thankfully, passersby saw the violent assault and rushed to her aid at around 9pm.

Shortland fled – but was later arrested and charged, before being found guilty of attempted murder at Northampton Crown Court. He will be sentenced on November 5.

DC Howes from Northampton CID, who led the investigation, said she was ‘delighted’ with the verdict as ‘the 18-month case has meant so much to me’.

She said: ‘Walking alone without fear is a right every woman should have and every woman should be able to walk home safely.’

Speaking of the victim, she added: ‘She has been so brave – taking to the stand at court, facing Sean Shortland, and supporting our investigation throughout. 

‘Because of her, a very dangerous and depraved man will now be spending a long time looking at the four walls of a prison cell.

‘I am hugely proud of her and I hope she also feels proud of herself for the courage she has shown. 

‘I also hope today’s result allows her some sense of closure so she can begin to move forward with her life.’

Detective Inspector Simon Barnes, has commended DC Howes for ‘her incredible investigation, hard work and care’.

He said: ‘I am so pleased for her and for our victim who courageously faced Sean Shortland in the dock – I cannot imagine how difficult that must have been for her. 

‘But because she did, she is now responsible for him being unable to hurt anyone else.’

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