Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Delaney's love Emma offers her apartment to homeless family for the Christmas holidays

It may have been an annus horribilis for her boyfriend John Delaney, but Emma English is wrapping up the year by offering her Dublin apartment to a homeless family for Christmas.

The blonde, who found love with the former FAI chief after the end of his marriage, has announced to friends on social media that she is looking for a homeless family to invite into her home for three days over the festive season.

In a long post on her social media page, she described the year as positive but “a very trying time that has tested the boundaries of human threshold of hurt pain and that paralyzed feeling of hopelessness”.

She said: “I am aware of [the] homeless crisis and the families this Christmas who have no home and nowhere to go for Christmas.”

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She then announced: “So I would like to offer my apartment to a homeless family.”

Ms English [who now goes by her maiden name ‘Kelvin’] said her hope was to give the family “some comfort and happiness with their children” and “Santa believers” so that they can “have a place they can get some joy of Christmas with their children. For Christmas Eve to St Stephen’s Day as I won’t be there.”

Although she has yet to have her gesture accepted by a homeless family- her offer remains open, provided it is something she can make happen.

But she asked friends: “If anyone knows of a family living on the streets or in hostels that could or want to avail of my offer, then I would be happy to meet with them.

“It’s only a small gesture, but if it makes one family enjoy their Christmas that little bit more, well then it’s worth it.

“If everyone can make some gesture no matter how big or small. You really are making a difference in someone’s lives…”

She then wished a Happy Christmas to her followers saying, “acts of kindness never get lost on the right people”.

The gesture was met with hundreds of likes and praise to which Ms English responded: “Rather than give out about what the Government are not doing, let’s [take] it on ourselves, hang the coats on rails outside our own front doors or let them into your home to sit beside the fire with a hot chocolate and enjoy some part of Christmas in your home.”

She added: “These are things we ourselves can do and so need the Government to help us… we have enough houses around Dublin Ireland.”

A record 10,500 people are now homeless in Ireland and almost 4,000 of those are children, according to latest figures for Ireland’s homelessness crisis.

Source: Read Full Article

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