Thursday, 27 Feb 2025

Death is all over a woman’s family… Her boyfriend can’t stand it anymore

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But what if there is one death after another? That would surely ruin days out, birthday celebrations and holidays.

It sounds like a rather unrealistic scenario but can happen. It did to Reddit user rufflpuffl. He took the platform’s AITA forum, which stands for “am I the a**hole?”, to get the community’s view on what was going on in his relationship.

“My GF has a huge, I really mean HUGE family with dozens and dozens of uncles, aunts, cousins of 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade who also have brothers and sisters and so on – you get the point. In her family, everyone cares for everyone,” he explained.

“This also means that they share their sadness if someone dies, which happens pretty often.

“Nearly 5-6 times a year some dies, because they were old, sometimes because they were sick. And every time it’s a huge deal with crying and sadness for days.”

The desperate man went on to explain that the constant deaths have led to the point where he’s scared to plan holidays — even if just a weekend getaway — in case someone dies. “I have to pray that someone doesn’t die.

“In the seven years we’ve been together, some special private days were crushed because someone had died.”

The couple has o had to cancel several holidays.

“So many of her ‘family members’, died and she was in tears for days. I’ve put it into quotes because in my opinion family members are just the really close ones like parents, brother and my first-grade cousins.”

The man said he’s aware of “how selfish this sounds” but he feels like “her feelings for the family if someone dies are WAY over the top”.

“She is completely in her own world of sadness for days after, which affects the lives of everyone around her,” he moans.

He wanted to know if his thoughts made sense at all.

“AITA because I don’t commiserate with her and I’m just annoyed as hell because some died (again) and crashed our or my plans and I feel like her reaction is way over top?”

Reminder – AITA is the forum’s code for “am I the a**hole?”. Further reference left.

One user replied: “NTA: I’ve dated someone with a massive family like you described and it just becomes unbearable at some point.

“Every. Single. Cousin’s. Birthday.

“Every. Single. Aunt & Uncle’s. Anniversary.

“Every. Single. Minor. Holiday.

“And God forbid someone has a child.”

Another replied saying: “I moved 2000 miles away from where most of my family lives. My mom’s side is huge, and it’s not that I don’t love them or anything, but it’s been kind of nice to be more detached from whatever’s going on.”

Someone commented: “NAH. I just want to say that you need to realize this will never, ever stop. If you’re frustrated now, imagine yourself in another five years.”

The internet has spoken… What are your thoughts?

Source: Read Full Article

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