Saturday, 21 Sep 2024

Dad with no vaccine thought he'd never see family again after catching Covid

A fit and healthy 42-year-old father who refused the vaccine has admitted he thought he’d never see his family again after contracting Covid-19.

Father-of-two Artur Brylowski started to feel unwell around the end of July and began getting ‘sicker and sicker’.

The gym-goer eventually needed to be taken to Wrexham General Hospital after he started struggling to breathe and warned he may need to be fully ventilated.

He told the BBC he was ‘terrified’, adding: ‘I never expected to be this sick, I’ve had flu before but this was different. I couldn’t breathe, it was frightening.’

Mr Brylowski declined his opportunity to get jabbed when it was offered to over-40s in April, saying he believed the virus only affects older people.

He added that he ‘wasn’t against it’ but thought at the time it had been ‘rushed out quickly’ and had seen ‘a lot of things on social media that put me off’.

Mr Brylowski remains in hospital but told the BBC he would get vaccinated as soon as he has recovered, saying: ‘This experience has shown me how dangerous this virus can be for people of any age.’

The man treating him, Dr Andy Campbell, said he had seen a rise in young people being admitted to hospital with Covid in recent weeks.

He told the broadcaster it was ‘difficult’ telling Mr Brylowski he might need to be put on a ventilator, knowing ‘the high mortality rate in ventilated Covid patients’.

Mr Campbell added: ‘Unfortunately, Artur chose not to get vaccinated, and what has happened to him really does show the ramifications of not being vaccinated, and the impact that can have on someone so young and fit.’

The UK reached a significant milestone in its vaccination efforts today when it was announced three quarters of adults have now received both Covid jabs.

A total of 86,780,455 doses have been administered so far, with 47,091,889 people (89%) getting a first jab. 

According to Department of Health statistics, some 39,688,566 people (75%) have now received both doses.

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