Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

Dad can't park on his own driveway after foot-high kerb built outside home

A dad claims he can’t use his driveway after council workers built a foot-high kerb that scrapes his car when he attempts to park on it.

Colin Gibson has been locked in a bitter dispute with town hall bosses ever since the kerb was built to accommodate a new £20million school near his home.

He’s lived in Newmains, near Glasgow, for eight years and initially didn’t mind the plans for a raised path to let school children walk across.

But he’s now has to park his red Ford Fiesta on the street, where it was damaged by a passing car.

North Lanarkshire Council claims they approached Colin with a solution but when they tried to agree a start date he allegedly said it would no longer work.

‘It’s so frustrating. In the space of a month since I have been forced to park on the street I have had two damaged wing mirrors, it’s ridiculous,’ Colin said.

‘I have spoken to the council and the contractors when they were on site and asked them to do something about it but I’ve got nowhere.

‘I spoke to one councillor who told me to seek legal advice. Why should I have to pay for a lawyer when I have done absolutely nothing wrong and someone else has made a mess of it?’

The new school – Newmains Family Learning Centre for nursery children – opened its doors last month and caters for 500 children and staff.

A council said: ‘Following a series of meetings between the resident and the main contractor, a proposal to provide vehicle access to the rear of the property was developed.

‘However, when contractors recently approached the resident to confirm a start date for carrying out the works, they were surprised to be informed that their proposals were no longer acceptable.

‘The contractors remain committed to agreeing an acceptable solution with the resident to resolve this matter.’

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