Wednesday, 2 Oct 2024

D-Day flypast 2019: Will there be another flypast today?

D-Day 75th anniversary celebrations are entering into their second day today. Politicians, religious leaders and the general public are commemorating those who served and died in the monumental Operation Neptune. The biggest military invasion in history saw 200,000 men storm the beaches at Normandy in an effort to secure the allies’ victory in Europe. While the operation did not conclude the war immediately, it is credited as the decisive victory on the western front.

Will there be another flypast today?

D-Day celebrations started in earnest yesterday on Thursday, June 5, the original planned Normandy invasion date.

For the day a fleet of Douglas C-47 Skytrains Dakota – also known as Daks – flew over the country from Cambridge to Southend, where they passed over the English Channel.

The planes left a spectacular scene for people across the country and left many wanting more.

Unfortunately for those hoping to see another flyover of this kind, there are no more scheduled in the UK today.

Other flyovers are scheduled to take place over the channel in France, as world leaders meet to give their D-Day dedications.

The main event of the day is in Normandy, where Emmanuel Macron is addressing the public alongside US President Donald Trump.

A crowd of 15,000 gathered for the service at the American cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer, where 9000 graves reside on Omaha beach.

Both Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron will deliver speeches before they lay wreaths in the cemetery.

The Presidents then move to a point on the beach where they will start a two-minute silence standing alongside their wives.

Once the silence has concluded there will be a joint flyover from French and American planes.

President Trump was the first to make a speech at the location today.

He said: “On this day 75 years ago 10,000 men shed their blood and thousands sacrificed their lives for their brothers, for their countries and for the survival of liberty.

“Today we remember those who fell and we honour all who fought right here in Normandy.

“They won back this ground for civilisation.

“Our debt to you is everlasting. Today we express our undying gratitude.”

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