Friday, 27 Sep 2024

‘Curious’ teenager suffered serious burns after aerosol can ‘explodes’

Aiden McGee, a 14-year-old from Glasgow, sustained severe burns on his face and hands after an aerosol can exploded in a fire incident.

The incident occurred on June 19 when Aiden and his friends were walking alongside the canal in Linnvale towards Clydebank to play football. They noticed a small fire and went over to inspect it, but within seconds, a can exploded, leaving Aiden injured.

Aiden’s father, Will, was shocked when he learned about what happened to his son. He said: “They saw a fire and, being curious wee boys, they went over. He told me that an explosion came out of a can and it blew him backwards. It had burnt all his face and his hands. He had a bottle of coke on him, he didn’t know what to do, so he poured it all over himself to cool down.”

Aiden then sought help from one of his classmates’ grandmother, who threw him into a cold shower. An ambulance was called, and Aiden was taken to the hospital, where he received treatment for his burns.

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This unfortunate incident adds to a series of health scares Aiden has experienced this year. He had previously almost fallen into a diabetic coma due to his Type 1 diabetes, and he had also injured himself while riding a scooter just days before the fire incident.

Will, anxiously waiting at home, feared the worst for his son. He said: “When my partner told me what happened, I had a panic attack. I didn’t know what to do. I felt as if the world was collapsing, I couldn’t believe what was happening to my son.”

Upon seeing Aiden’s injuries, Will was relieved that they were not more severe.

Aiden’s eyebrows were burnt off, his face was blistered, his eyelids were burnt, his hair was singed, and his nose was burnt. However, Will acknowledged that it could have been much worse, and they consider themselves lucky.

Due to the extent of the burns on Aiden’s face and hands, he faces a long road to recovery with frequent hospital visits in the near future. While the physical wounds will heal, the family is also focused on helping Aiden cope with the mental trauma caused by the incident.

Will explained: “We’ve been taking him back and forth to the hospital every two days to apply creams. We’ve also had to apply cream at home to his hands, face, eyes, and nose. Nurses have been peeling off the dead skin to allow it to heal.”

The burns on Aiden’s hands may result in scarring, but they are expected to heal. The burn on his face resembles a birthmark. Aiden has been experiencing nightmares and has expressed a fear of camping or being near any fire.

He is currently not allowed to go outside to prevent infection. Will explained: “He has been suffering from bad nightmares and has told me he never wants to go camping or near any fire again. He is not allowed out because it could cause infection.

“He has been having wee panic attacks and isn’t even wanting to go to the front door.

For the next two years, Aiden will need to continue applying cream and wearing a hat for protection. Unfortunately, he is disappointed that he won’t be able to enjoy the summer holidays with his friends.

Following the traumatic explosion, Will is now concerned about allowing his children to go outside, fearing a similar incident might occur. He said: “We could have lost our son. It has changed me completely. I’ve always been protective of my kids, and now I’m going to have to be more protective. It really was horrible.”

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