Wednesday, 2 Oct 2024

Covid booster uptake slows ahead of Christmas as Omicron surge hits jab charge

The take up of booster jabs has slowed in the run-up to Christmas, new data shows.

A total of 605,561 extra doses of the Covid vaccine were recorded in the UK on Thursday – the lowest daily figure since December 13.

It is the second day in a row the number has fallen, after hitting a record high of 968,665 on Tuesday.

But the figures are still well above levels seen earlier in the month, before the rollout was ‘turbocharged’ to stop a ‘tidal wave’ of Omicron infections.

Between December 1 and 10 the number never topped 500,000.

Nearly 32.3 million booster and third doses have now been delivered in the UK, with more than 5.9 million in the past seven days.

It means around 61% of all adults in the UK have now received a booster or third dose.

The slowdown in jabs might reflect the level of Covid-19 infections across the country.

People are not eligible to receive a vaccine within 28 days of having had the virus.

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Data published on Friday by the Office for National Statistics showed that an estimated that 1.7 million people in the UK had Covid-19 in the week ending December 19, or around one in 35 people – the highest number since comparable figures began in autumn 2020.

The start of the Christmas holidays may also be having an impact on vaccine take-up, with people busy with festive plans or away from their local area having travelled to stay with family and friends.

NHS England has said booster doses will be continue to be delivered on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day, with around 200,000 appointments for an extra dose still available across the country over the festive period.

Boris Johnson has urged families to get their vaccines as an act of Christmas giving.

In a Covid-focused address recorded in Downing Street, the prime minister said getting the jab is a ‘wonderful thing you can give your family and the whole country’ and would be key to saving next Christmas from uncertainty.

He told the nation: ‘Let’s think of all those who are being good neighbours and thinking of others.

‘All those in the NHS working over Christmas. Our care workers. Everyone involved in the incredible vaccination campaign.

‘Those looking after people who have lost loved ones this year, and would otherwise be on their own.

‘The many thousands of people who are selflessly self-isolating to keep others safe from Covid.

‘And though the time for buying presents is theoretically running out, there is still a wonderful thing you can give your family and the whole country.

‘And that is, to get that jab – whether it’s your first, your second or your booster – so that next year’s festivities are even better than this year’s.’

Mr Johnson’s message echoed calls from the NHS to ‘get the gift of the jab’ over the festive period.

Despite studies confirming Omicron is milder than previous variants, scientists have warned a ‘huge wave’ of cases could still hit hospitals due to how transmissible the new strain is.

Boris Johnson is running out of time if he wants to implement new Covid rules before the end of the year, which would require parliament to be recalled.

Sources believe no new legal measures will be announced before the end of the year, but guidance is likely to advise caution due to soaring case numbers.

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