Sunday, 22 Sep 2024

COVID-19 latest: Fury at No 10’s ‘nuclear option’ to stop 2nd wave by locking up over 50s

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“The thought that ministers have even considered an age-related approach is bound to fuel alarm and distress among many older people. Age is important when it comes to the risk but other factors count too, including gender, race, having other health conditions and being overweight. So an age-based policy would be a very blunt instrument.”

Dennis Reed, of the over-60s group Silver Voices, accused the Government of mixed messages.

Reports that ministers are looking at locking down over-50s came on the same weekend shielding was officially “paused” for the most vulnerable people in the country.

Mr Reed said: “On Saturday they stopped shielding support for 2.2 million people.

“To now suggest they’re going to expand shielding seems completely contradictory.

“The messaging has been so confusing that most over-50s have been setting their own regimes. Most are being very cautious.

“The advice we are giving is not to be seduced into going to a pub or restaurant unless you feel safe.”

David Sinclair, the director of the International Longevity Centre said: “Locking down individuals aged over 50 would be catastrophic for the UK economy and for our communities.

“People aged over 50 spend 54p of every £1 on the high street and beyond. They also contribute £175billion-worth of care to society. Quite simply, our economy and society is reliant on them.”

Members of the public took to social media to voice their anger.

Teacher Jo Perry tweeted: “So I’m classed as elderly now am I? I’ve worked through lockdown, back in the classroom in a “bubble” of 15, caring for the elderly parents-in-law and my 14 year old. But okay, if you insist.

“Can I have my pension from 60 then please? No? Thought not.”

Mother-of-three Helen Brenton wrote: “If over 50s are now classed as ‘elderly’, then why are we expected to work into our late 60s?”

A Twitter user called Sandra said: “I & my over50 friends haven’t been going to raves or demonstrations, to the beach for the day, queuing outside Primark or crowding into pubs. Over50s lockdown is abhorrent.”

However, Dame Esther Rantzen said: “I don’t want any young and fit people to have their freedom curtailed for my sake.

“If it would help me, aged 80, to continue to shield then that’s fine.”

The furore erupted as Government statistics showed eight more people had died from coronavirus on Saturday, bringing the total to 46,201.

There had been 755 new infections recorded.

The number of coronavirus infections hit an average of 4,200 per day from July 20 to 26.

That had nearly doubled on the rate the previous week.

Government officials drew up the over-50s plan last week after Boris Johnson, who is 56, ordered them to come up with ideas to prevent a national lockdown.

On Friday he announced he was pausing his lifting of restrictions but compared the prospect of a full lockdown to a “nuclear deterrent” that should be used only as a last resort.

Behind the scenes, aides say he is demanding “nuclear weapons” to combat Covid-19.

Under the proposals, personalised risk ratings could be given for people aged 50 and over, based on their age and health condition.

Those deemed to be at risk will be asked to shield in the event of a local or national outbreak.

Yesterday Cabinet Minister Robert Jenrick said the reports of the plan were “speculation”.

He told Times Radio: “You would expect the Government to be considering all of the range of options that might be available.”

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