Friday, 21 Jun 2024

Coronavirus: UK sees rise in racism targeting Asian people after outbreak in China

Asian people in the UK say the coronavirus outbreak has led to a rise in racism – such as people appearing to avoid them on public transport.

The only two cases of the virus in Britain so far have been two people diagnosed in York.

However, a Burmese food writer from London posted photos of a Tube journey which showed people choosing to stand rather than sit next to her.

“I got on to the Victoria line at Highbury and Islington and was on my way to Oxford Circus. Platform was full, carriage was full,” said MiMi Aye.

“I noticed that no-one had sat down either side of me and I thought ‘Huh, that’s weird’ … I decided to take photos of the empty seats around me.

“People around me looked very uncomfortable and wouldn’t catch my eye.

“I’m not going to say that it was definitely because of racism. Because most of the time when stuff happens I never know for sure.”

Others have posted on social media about similar experiences.

Writer Angela Hui tweeted: “Don’t you just love to see it when a man sits in the empty seat next to you on the Tube and immediately gets back up muttering ‘errr, not sitting next to coronavirus’.”

In Sheffield, a Chinese student was reportedly pushed and abused for wearing a face mask.

South Yorkshire Police said the incident had not been reported, but they were “liaising with both universities and representatives from the Chinese community in the city to offer reassurance and establish further details”.

Ken Chung, a British-Chinese comedian, posted: “Less than 0.001% of Chinese people have coronavirus yet more than 99.999% have already experienced coronaracism.”

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There have also been instances of racism reported around the world since the outbreak began.

Twitter users in France have been using the hashtag #JeNeSuisPasUnVirus – “I am not a virus” to fight back against prejudice.

A group of Chinese tourists were also allegedly spat at in Venice, while US beauty blogger Michelle Phan tweeted: “Why are some of you telling me to go back to eating bats? I’m American you ignorant f****.”

Another tweet seeking to put the virus into context, has been liked by nearly 200,000 people.

@catcontentonly wrote: “Your racist jokes about dying of coronavirus are all so tired. The flu killed 80,000 ppl in the US in 2018 alone, but I guess you’re not worried about that since it’s not racialized as carried by dirty orientals the way coronavirus is.”

However, a video is also being shared that shows some people with a more compassionate view.

People hugged a masked Asian man who stood in the centre of Florence with a sign reading: “I’m not a virus, I’m a human, eradicate the prejudice.”

Italy last week suspended all flights from China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan until the end of April.

Outside mainland China, at least 240 cases of the virus have been confirmed, with 28 cases in Europe, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

In China, 563 people have died, but the daily jump in cases is getting bigger.

Figures early on Thursday said the number of confirmed cases there had increased 3,694 to 28,018.

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