Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Coronavirus poll: Overwhelming majority back police over lockdown but issue warning

The survey showed just 13 percent (293 people) disagreed that police should be allowed to use force and one percent (29 people) were not sure. A total of 2,198 took part in the poll which opened at noon today and closed at 9.30pm.

But despite the overwhelming support for the police, some readers were wary of handing too much control the boys and girls in blue.

PhilJ said: “Once the police are provided with extra powers they never want to relinquish them and invariably abuse them.

“I’ve been related to a few coppers over the years and wouldn’t trust any of them with a barge pole.”

And PatriotFree said: “The police using force is a recipe for rioting and civil unrest and should be resisted at all costs.

“It will result in huge resentment and reprisals.

“We must remember we are a democracy and not some Third World dictatorship.”

Others felt the police had other things to worry about.

ToobiWan said: “The police would be better off using force to get some of the criminals of the streets.”

The Prime Minister was forced to issue a shutdown of the country to stop the spread of deadly COVID19.

But pictures have emerged of members of the public who have continued to flout the new measures.

The police have been given the power to tell the public to return home if they deem it necessary.

They can also issue a fine but according to reports, they will also be able to use reasonable force as a last resort.

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Under the new plans discussed by minister and officials, the officers would first encourage people to leave but as a last resort, they will soon be able to use force to enforce the social distancing measures are followed.

Exemptions are expected to be inserted into the plans for those fleeing domestic abuse, for religious ministers tending to their duties, separated parents seeing their children, homeless people, and those complying with bail conditions.

Under current measures, the public are allowed to leave their house for exercise once per day, to buy food or medicine or for essential workers travelling to work.

The stated level of the fine will start at £90 and will lead to a criminal record if not paid.

Before the new measures will be put in place, acting police and crime commissioner for Durham Stephen White warned the new rules will be very difficult to enforce.

He said: “Are we going to assume innocence or guilt?

“What are the grounds, reasonable belief or evidence to dish out a fine?

“What are the checks and balances on police officers using these draconian powers going to be?

“It’s going to be a minefield.”

These rules and powers will only apply to England, although Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are expected to apply similar measures.

Mr Johnson has come under increased pressure to empower the measures put in place in order to make sure social gatherings are stopped.

Source: Read Full Article

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