Monday, 7 Oct 2024

Coronavirus: ‘Don’t take it lightly’ – The family that caught coronavirus – and recovered

A woman from Wales, who was among the first in the country to test positive for coronavirus alongside her husband and mother, has warned others not to take the disease lightly.

Laura Jacobs and her husband Matthew from Neath both began displaying coronavirus symptoms in February, after Laura’s parents came back from a trip to a then-unaffected part of Italy.

They visited her mother, Melissa, when she returned from the trip and was not displaying any COVID-19 symptoms.

Speaking to Sky News, Laura, who works in her local NHS hospital, said that her mother became symptomatic around three days later, with her and Matthew showing symptoms later that week.

“We had a temperature, fever, shivers and aching, and within a few days we had a sore throat, tight chest and shortness of breath,” she said.

“We had not heard of any other cases so far in Wales, and as my mother had just got back from Italy, Public Health Wales agreed to test my family.

“The nurse came to my house in full PPE, which wasn’t too strange for me, but it was for my husband and children. The nurse was lovely, really nice.

“Three throat swabs each were sent away for testing and me and my husband both tested positive within 24 hours.”

Laura’s children, five-year-old Ava and 10-month-old Miles, both tested negative – something she said was a “relief”.

The family then went into isolation, as per government advice.

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