Monday, 7 Oct 2024

Coronavirus and newborns: Can mothers give their newborns COVID-19?

Pregnant women have been advised to shield themselves and take extra care not to come in to contact with anyone who could have coronavius. There have been a small number of infants becoming infected in the UK, usually with milder symptoms than adults.

NHS Junior Doctor Frankie Jackson-Spence has offered exclusive insight to about the risks of COVID-19 in mothers and babies.

She said: “There have been only 2 cases of newborn babies being affected by coronavirus and it is not clear from these cases if the virus was passed on vertically in the womb to the baby, or if it was passed on shortly after birth via aerosol transmission.

“It is more likely the newborn contracted the virus shortly after birth as some research has been done testing the amniotic fluid and also breast milk and no virus was detected in these fluids, making aerosol transmission post-birth the most likely method of transmission.”


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Dr Jackson-Spence advised pregnant women to follow the necessary precautions around self isolation and social distancing.

She said: “There is currently no evidence that pregnancy increases risk of contracting the virus, or that pregnant women will be more severely affected by COVID-19.

“The risk to newborn babies appears to be low and current guidance states that women wishing to breastfeed are advised to continue, even if symptomatic or confirmed positive for the virus.

“The benefits of breastfeeding far outweighs the risk of possible spread to the baby.

“If symptomatic, extra precautions should be taken around breast feeding. Make sure to wash hands before breast feeding, avoid coughing or sneezing whilst the baby is on the breast, some women may wish to wear a mask.”

Dr Jackson-Spence advises pregnant mothers to attend antenatal appointments as normal if they are not symptomatic, reassuring that hospitals are keeping COVID-19 patients separate from all other patients.

In an unexpected turn, not many children have come down with symptoms of the virus, and any symptoms that do show tend to be less severe than the ones displayed in adults.

Dr Jackson-Spence explains that this is likely a combination of factors.

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She said: “As we are currently only testing patients requiring admission to hospital, we do not know if simply children are not contracting the illness, or if they are only getting mild symptoms.

“The latter is more likely. As we age, our immune system declines and older people are more likely to have medical comorbidities.

“Children are also less likely to have environmental lung damage from smoking carcinogens, and other environmental pollutants for example.

She also explains that just because children don’t know many symptoms, it doesn’t mean they can’t spread it to the vulnerable.

“Advice is to keep your children home, avoid parks and crowded areas and encourage them to wash their hands regularly and avoid touching their face.

“All babies under 3 months are considered vulnerable as their immune system is developing, and any baby with a fever over 37.8 should be discussed with a healthcare professional.

“However babies may also have some protection passed on from their mother at birth.”

Source: Read Full Article

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