Saturday, 15 Jun 2024

Coronavirus: 100 UK patients who have died after contracting COVID-19

As the number of people in the UK who have died after contracting coronavirus rises, we look at the stories of some of those who have lost their lives.

Most of those who have died in the UK have been over the age of 70, but the victims have also included young children.

Behind every number is the death of a loved one.

Tap to read more about some of those who have died, and the things people have said about them.

Will Greenwood said his "Aunty Jean" had "so many more years to give"Steven DickWalter Hames, 75, and a former Coventry City footballer, passed away from COVID-19, despite his family saying he was 'fit and healthy'. Pic; Neil HamesNazir Begum Sharif died from coronavirus on 3 April at Whipps Cross Hospital, east London She was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago and had been in and out of hospitalPeter Davies, 83, from Ampthill in Bedfordshire, died on 5 April, his daughter Helen Driver said. Dr Edmond Adedeji, 62, was a locum registrar in the Emergency Department of the Great Western Hospital. 'He was being cared for in the Intensive Care Unit having tested positive for COVID-19,' GWH said, calling him 'a respected and well-liked member of the team.' Pic: Great Western HospitalsOscar King Jr was a porter at the John Radcliffe Hospital in OxfordAde Raymond - Student nurse & Healthcare assistant Julianne CadbyDr Habib Zaidi, 76, from Brentwood, Essex, was a victim of coronavirusFather Gerry Flood, 89, died at the Princess Royal University Hospital in Farnbrough, Hampshire, on 19 April

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