Sunday, 16 Jun 2024

Corbyn’s Brexit plan to cost massive £85MILLION a year – Urgent warning issued by Tories

The findings come as the EU meets in Brussels today to settle its budget for 2021. The rebate, which has has been in place since it was negotiated by Margaret Thatcher 1985, reduces Britain’s contribution to the EU budget by around two-thirds of what it would otherwise be. But the Labour-led Benn Act, approved by parliament last month, means that the UK has to accept any EU demands in return for an extension.

This would leave the UK unable to prevent the EU from pressing ahead with stated plans to abolish all rebates when setting its next seven-year budget, known as a Multiannual Financial Framework.

The MFF process is expected to conclude next June ahead of Mr Corbyn’s planned second referendum.

It means that if Labour was elected, while it would be far from clear whether the UK would leave the EU, it would be certain that the rebate would end because they would initially seek a further extension beyond January 31.

The specific clause that ties the UK’s hands, is contained within the fine print of the EU’s extension terms.

It states that the UK Government must “refrain from any measure which could jeopardise the attainment of the Union’s objectives”.

EU officials have made clear that this means not interfering in the EU’s budget, while repeatedly stating the Commission’s intention to end rebates as part of its budget process.

Brexit Secretary Steve Barclay said last night: “Even in opposition, Jeremy Corbyn’s actions have already started to drain the UK’s coffers.

“By forcing through a law that demands we stay in the EU no matter what, he has increased our weekly cheque to Brussels by £85 million a week – with nothing to show in return except more Brexit delay and uncertainty.

“The choice at the next election is clear. Get Brexit done and focus on our schools, hospitals and police, with Boris Johnson and a Conservative majority government. Or vote Jeremy Corbyn for the chaos of two more referendums, uncontrolled and unlimited immigration – whilst paying Brussels even more than we already do for the pleasure of it.”

The rebate equates to a reduction of approximately 66 percent of the UK’s net contribution to the European Union – the amount paid by the UK into the EU budget less receipts from the overall budget.

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