Monday, 30 Sep 2024

COP26 summit 'moment of truth for planet': UK presidency

GLASGOW (AFP) – COP26 president Alok Sharma on Saturday (said the UN climate summit was a “moment of truth for our planet, for our children and our grandchildren” as marathon negotiations edged towards their conclusion.

Sharma told delegates that countries had failed to live up to the promises they made in the 2015 Paris Agreement, but insisted that draft summit decisions “recognise this and call for a response”.

He said that the texts contained “tangible next steps and very clear milestones to get us on track to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement”, which seeks to limit global heating to 1.5-2 deg C.

Delegates are nearing the end of gruelling negotiations that seek improved and accelerated emissions cutting plans, greater finance for developing nations and resolution of points of contention that have scuppered past UN climate talks.

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