Monday, 17 Jun 2024

Cop tells man 'with coronavirus' he's killing people after he refuses to go home

A police officer has been filmed confronting a man who claimed to have Covid-19.

The footage showed the officer continually telling the man to leave before shouting ‘you are killing people’.

The policeman, who stopped the man in Perth, Scotland, warned him he’d be arrested if he did not return home.

The video, posted on the Alphas World YouTube channel, initially showed the officer telling the man to ‘stay back’ from a distance.

He then asked ‘so you’ve got Covid-19?’ and the man appeared to nod his head.

This prompted the officer to order him to go home and warn him he’d be arrested if he returned.

At one point the officer became frustrated and shouted: ‘Are you telling me you’ve got it? Well go home and self-isolate. You are killing people, go home.’

The man eventually left the area.

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Police officers now have powers to enforce staying at home and avoiding non-essential travel.

As a result, people who continue to flout coronavirus lockdown rules will be breaking the law and could be arrested or fined. 

Officers can use ‘reasonable force, if necessary’.

Police can order members of the public to go home, leave an area, have the power to disperse a group, using ‘reasonable force, if necessary’ and can make arrests if someone refuses to comply.

Those who ignore the tougher restrictions on movement could be hit with a £60 fine initially – reduced to £30 if paid within 14 days – and another for £120 for a second offence.

Refusing to provide a name and address to avoid being given a fine is an arrestable offence.

Officers can also take steps to make sure parents are stopping their children from breaking the rules.

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