Tuesday, 1 Oct 2024

Comic finds hidden message on pocket of coat 6 months after gran gave it to him

A young man revealed how the coat he had been wearing over a six-month period had a rather peculiar message on a label hidden in a pocket. Stand-up Will Harte from Reading spotted that one of the flaps on his black coat had been folded in on itself.

He took to Twitter to share what he found when he turned out the pocket.

He said: “Got a nice coat as a present from my grandma about six months ago. Been wearing it no problem.

“Noticed today one of the pockets on the front was tucked in. Enjoy the before and after.”

The initial picture appears unremarkable, with Will standing in a plain black coat.

However, the second picture shows the raincoat actually belonged to a state employee.

The flap on the jacket read “immigration enforcement” on the label. 

The uniform almost certainly once belonged to an immigration worker who handed the coat into a charity shop or market to be sold.

Will was able to have a chuckle at his own expense.

He quizzed his gran on where she acquired the mac, but he didn’t get a firm answer.

The comedian added: “Her response to me asking where she got it from wasn’t reassuring. She ‘can’t remember’.”

Will’s tweet racked up a staggering 40,000 likes and hundreds of comments.

Fellow Twitter users were equally amused by the discovery.

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One commenter added their own story: ““Friend of mine, 6 foot 8, struggled to find a ski suit.

“Went to army surplus shop, bought khaki overalls with mysterious squiggles stencilled on.

“On a slope in Austria, an Israeli skiied up to him and said: ‘I think we were in the same tank on the Golan Heights, no?’”

Another user chuckled: “I know a bloke whose wife buys his shirts from the Barrows, Glasgow.

“He wore one with a tasteful logo on a business trip to Germany.

“A German colleague asked where he got it.

“‘Dunno. Wife buys my shirts. Why do you want to know?’

“‘Because that’s a German telephone company logo’.”

Source: Read Full Article

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