Sunday, 16 Jun 2024

Christmas chaos: Britons warned of major delays to orders as congestion gridlocks ports

Brexit: Expert warns of retail ‘backlog’ at ports

Helen Dickinson, Chief Executive of the British Retail Consortium, told Sky News that there is a backlog of containers across Britain as the UK prepares to end the post-Brexit transition period with the European Union. The CEO called for the UK Government to do more in a bid to ease the congestion of containers at ports as Christmas approaches.

Ms Dickinson said: “There is a global issue with all sorts of big containers which are used to transport goods across the world.

“It has been caused by a combination of Covid and the build-up to Christmas, with all our shopping patterns having changed.

“There are lots of containers in lots of the wrong places and this is leading to disruption.

“There are queues at various ports, particularly those container ports.”

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She added: “The Government is acting but there is definitely more they can do certainly from the UK end in clearing some of the backlogs.”

The British Retail Consortium CEO also warned of the added congestion Brexit uncertainty is causing.

Ms Dickinson said: “Obviously, we have the question of what is going to be happening with Brexit before the end of the year.

“So that will lead to disruption in its own account because there are new processes and procedures when we end the transition period whether we have a deal with the EU or not.

“That is why it is so important to cleat this backlog so that the problem is not compounded.”

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The UK and EU remain in talks over a post-Brexit trade agreement. 

The deadline for the free trade agreement to be struck is rapidly approaching.

A trade deal will need to be agreed upon before the December 31, 2020 deadline in order to be ratified by the UK and EU Parliament.

The major sticking points throughout the final phase of the negotiations have been the EU’s insistence on a level playing field and access to British waters.


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On Wednesday, Boris Johnson told the House of Commons there was every chance a trade agreement could still be struck with the EU.

The Prime Minister added that the United Kingdom will prosper regardless of whether a trade deal is secured with the European Union.

Mr Johnson said: “There is every opportunity that our partners across the channel will see sense and do a deal.

“The UK has a natural right like every other country to want to be able to control its own laws and fishing grounds.

“But whatever happens, in the next few days I know this country will prosper mightily on the terms we agreed, whatever they may be.”

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