Friday, 10 Jan 2025

Christian nurse to sue mental health clinic over course that dubbed Bible ‘racist’

Amy Gallagher is planning to sue the Portman Clinic in North London, part of the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust, after she felt some of its courses contained religious and racial discrimination. Ms Gallagher – a Christian nurse – undertook the course during clinical training in psychotherapy.

The Christian nurse is currently trying to crowdfund £50,000 to pay for the legal action against the clinic.

Speaking to the Mail on Sunday, the 33-year-old from south London, said: “On what I’ve experienced, what they describe as anti-racism is racism.

“What they describe as tolerance is intolerance.”

She began the Portman Clinic’s Forensic Psychodynamic Psychotherapy course in September 2020 with the aim of finishing clinical training that would qualify her to set up a psychotherapy practice.

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But the nurse – who insists she is not racist – claims that she was told to watch an online lecture saying Christianity was part of the European oppression of black people.

She said she was also asked to attend an online seminar called Whiteness – A Problem For Our Time, which claimed that all white people are racist.

Ms Gallagher claimed that she was told to read an essay called The Criminalisation Of Blackness which blamed the Bible for creating so-called unconscious bias.

She said: “The lecturer spoke negatively about Christianity, while no other religions were mentioned.

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“When I questioned this, I was told the trust sees Christianity as responsible for racism because it is European.”

She added: “I started to feel I was essentially being asked to subscribe to a racist ideology.”

Ms Gallagher also claimed that when she raised concerns about the course’s content she was threatened with suspension from her final year and told her career as a psychotherapist could be at risk.

In May she received a letter from the Trust raising concerns about her allegedly “vexatious” conduct, the Daily Mail reported.

It added that it might have “implications for your ability to obtain professional registration”.

In a statement to the paper, The Tavistock said: “This matter has been addressed through our formal complaints process, which has now concluded.”

It insisted that a standard approach on the psychotherapy course is that students must examine their own “irrational unconscious beliefs and bias” to be able to help patients.

The trust published its final investigation into Ms Gallagher’s complaints in October.

The report said that it was “undeniable” that “Europe in the name of Christianity was instrumental in the racism, slavery and colonialism that has a linear connection to what we see today in forensic services”.

It upheld the trust’s view that Ms Gallagher had been “excessively and inappropriately confrontational” when raising concerns – something she rejects.

The trust also denied her progress had been compromised by her views. has contacted the trust for additional comment.

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