Sunday, 16 Jun 2024

Child (10) among three stabbed in incident in Cork

A TEN year old child and two women suffered serious stab injures after an incident in a Cork house last night.

A man has been arrested by Cork Gardaí in connection with the incident that left the two women and the child requiring emergency hospital treatment.

The man was arrested in the north-eastern area of Cork city after gardaí were alerted to an incident at a nearby property late on Monday evening.

Two women and a child, believed to be a 10 year old boy, were treated at the scene by paramedics for suspected stab injuries.

All three were in a very distressed condition. Both women are aged in their 30 and 40s.

All three were transferred to hospital for further assessment and treatment.

The injuries involved in all three cases are understood to be serious but not life threatening.

However, at least one of those taken to hospital may require further surgery.

The trio were kept in hospital overnight for treatment and precautionary observation.

Gardaí can question the man for an initial period of 12 hours.

However, this can be further extended if required by detectives.

The scene has been preserved pending a detailed forensic examination by members of the Garda Technical Bureau.

Gardaí will also conduct door to door inquiries to determine if local residents heard or saw anything suspicious in the area since lunchtime on Monday.

Source: Read Full Article

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