Sunday, 16 Jun 2024

Charles will live in 'flat above the shop' as palace thrown open to public

The Prince of Wales will make some dramatic changes to the royal estate when he becomes King, it has been reported.

The Queen’s living quarters at Buckingham Palace ‘will become a flat above the shop’ as Buckingham Palace is thrown open for tourism all year round, it’s suggested.

Her Majesty currently has 52 royal and guest bedrooms and 188 staff bedrooms, with some areas open to visitors between April and September.

The Cambridge family is likely to be moved from Kensington Palace to Windsor Castle under Prince Charles’ plan – a relocation the family is keen for, despite its ‘noisy’ Heathrow flight path.

The future monarch is also said to want a museum in honour of Her Majesty, with Balmoral in Scotland discussed as an option, the Mail on Sunday claims.

Other royals will be left ‘vying for accommodation in the reshuffle’ – with Prince Andrew ‘particularly anxious’ about his home Park Lodge in Windsor Great Park.

The overhaul is believed to be part of Charles’ plan to slim down the monarchy, with the question ‘What value is this offering to the public?’ a key consideration.

A friend of Charles said: ‘The central point is: when the Queen is no longer here, how do you effectively spread two generations of the family across quite a large number of properties?’

Speaking of Buckingham Palace, the source added: ‘Despite what everybody thinks about him not wanting to live there, he will certainly have accommodation there – but it will be a much more modest flat-above-the-shop situation akin to that of the Prime Minister at Downing Street.

‘Both the Prince and the Duchess of Cornwall are very practical and see that the reigning Monarch must live at Buckingham Palace, otherwise it would become like Hampton Court’ – a visitor attraction rather than a working royal palace.’

The Duke of York is currently not expected to move, while Prince Edward and Princess Anne are also safe.

But other royals like Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie are allegedly at risk.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were originally expected to take Clarence House but this is ‘no longer on the cards’.

Prince George, Princess Charlotte or Prince Louis are likely to be handed it eventually.

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