Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Camilla comes out of self-isolation and joins NHS volunteer army

Camilla was reunited with Charles after spending 14 days in seclusion at their Scottish home, Birkhall, where they are spending the lockdown. Then, as president of the Royal Voluntary Service (RVS), she immediately got down to business by reaching out to the isolated. She called Doris Winfield, 85, in Rickmansworth, Herts, for a chat about the frustrations of being separated from her family.

And the most difficult thing about being in isolation, she told Doris, was not being able to hug her five grandchildren. Camilla, 72, who will celebrate her 15th wedding anniversary on Thursday, also spoke about their shared love of a good book, particularly Agatha Christie.

Doris, who lives alone but has three daughters who regularly phone her, said she missed her friends but agreed with Camilla that catching up over a computer or phone helped.

She said: “Having a chat with the Duchess of Cornwall meant the world to me. I’ve been incredibly lonely over the last couple of weeks and it was wonderful to talk to her. We talked about life in isolation and shared hobbies. She was very interested in my family and how I was coping. It has really cheered me up.”

Camilla also thanked the 750,000 RVS NHS Volunteer Responders who have signed up to begin work today helping 2.5 million people at risk.

She said: “The RVS has been working with the NHS to recruit people in England who can assist those who are most in need of practical and emotional support.

“Thankfully, the charity has a long and remarkable history of bringing willing volunteers together with the isolated and lonely. That experience is needed more than ever in these challenging times. I salute each one of you – and thank you with all my heart.”

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