Monday, 23 Sep 2024

Cafe to be dug up as 'material' found in search for girl feared Fred West victim

A cafe will be excavated after police found possible evidence a teenage girl could be buried there.

Officers looking for Mary Bastholm, feared to have been murdered by serial killer Fred West, have unearthed dark blue material that could match the coat she was wearing when she disappeared back in 1968.

Investigators have been using thermal cameras at The Clean Plate Cafe in Gloucester after an ITV film crew tipped them off about possible evidence for a body being buried at the site.

A statement from Gloucestershire Police said: ‘The detective leading the investigation at the Clean Plate cafe in Gloucester says that excavation work will now take place following assessments at the scene.’

It added: ‘Forensic archaeologists have today confirmed that there are a number of structural anomalies within the cellar that warrant further exploration.

‘Following a review of the analysis Gloucestershire Constabulary has now approved excavation work to begin to establish if any human remains are present.

‘The work will last several weeks but will not begin until at least Wednesday while final assessments are made.

‘Mary’s family have been updated with this information and are supportive of the activity taking place. They continue to receive support from family liaison officers.’

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