Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Burglar tries to smash Ring doorbell – but looks straight into the camera

A would-be burglar was caught red-handed by the very camera he was trying to knock out of action.

Sam Norman, 35, was filmed staring straight into the lens of a Ring doorbell camera outside a house in Pershore, Worcestershire. 

After his hood slipped, revealing his face, Norman used a long pole to move the camera, but he shortly came face-to-face with the homeowner.

He apologised and fled the scene empty-handed on a bicycle, only to be later identified by police officers who recognised him from the footage.

Norman, of Drakes Broughton, Worcestershire, later admitted attempted burglary at Worcester Crown Court, alongside offences related to a further two break-ins. 

He received an 18-week prison sentence, suspended for 18 months, as well as a 12-week curfew from 9pm to 8.30am. 

A police spokesperson said: ‘There was a confrontation in the garden.

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‘He [Norman] was trying to get into the house and activated the Ring doorbell camera and then tried to move the camera.

‘The homeowner challenged him and he apologised and cycled off. He did not get away with any property.’

The court heard how Norman attempted to flee a second time when police later turned up at his home, but the foot chase didn’t last long. 

During his time in custody, officers established he’d also been disturbed by the homeowner at one of the other, previous break-ins, which he also left empty-handed.

Earlier in April, another would-be burglary ended in comedy after a man unsuccessfully attempted to evade police by posing as a solar panel while hiding on a rooftop in Wandsworth. 

A police helicopter quickly located the man and he was soon apprehended.

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