Monday, 7 Oct 2024

Britons FURIOUS over second wave of coronavirus in China – ‘Spells danger for the world!’

Travel bans in the northeastern province of Heilongjiang were slapped on again due to a spate of fresh COVID-19 cases. Authorities suspect people flying in from Russia are to blame for the spike. On Tuesday seven new cases were confirmed in Harbin, a city of 10 million people which has air links with Russia.

All foreigners have been banned from entering residential zones in Harbin and new arrivals must self-isolate for 28 days.

Three patients had recently arrived from Russia to bring the total number of cases in Harbin to 537.

Britons were quick to accuse Chinese authorities of acting irresponsibly by lifting travel restrictions only to re-impose them soon after.

One man said he was not surprised to hear of fresh cases as the lockdown was lifted before a vaccine was in circulation.

He said: “Not surprising when you stop lockdown without a vaccine.”

A second reader wrote: “Surprise, surprise. Open too soon and its certain doom!”

And a third hit out at China for pointing the finger of blame at Russia for news COVID-19 cases.

“And now they are trying to blame Russia,” he said.

“These people have no shame!”

Yet another said they believe the virus “never cleared in the first place” and so the lockdown should have remained in place.

Another person said the news of a possible second wave “spells danger for the rest of the world”.

“This is what will happen in the UK if we are not careful,” warned one reader.

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Another said the infamous Chinese wet markets should not have been allowed to reopen as many experts suspect coronavirus originated at one in the city of Wuhan.

But others disagreed China had acted too soon with the lifting of lockdown measure.

One put the development about new cases down to “scaremongering”.

And she pointed to other reports suggesting China was on the road to rebuilding its economy.

Another person predicted social distancing measures would have to remain in place in the UK until a vaccine is found.

A vaccine typically takes around 18 months to develop so this would mean Britons cannot ease back into normal life until next year.

And another Briton suggested easing restrictions on public movements could be rolled out without causing a spike in new cases if masks were made compulsory.

She said Britain should take not of how the Germans are tying to play it safe.

She said: “Germany has relaxed their lockdown measures but it’s compulsory to wear a mask when out and keep to social distancing.”

Source: Read Full Article

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