Monday, 17 Jun 2024

British dad 'stabbed and bludgeoned to death by son' at Brazil home

Police have arrested a 19-year-old boy found with a hammer and blood-stained knife in his bag after his father was brutally killed.

Joseph John Dempsey, 57, was an English language teacher living in Belo Horizonte, Brazil with his son Joseph.

Neighbours reportedly heard shouting coming from the family apartment at about 10pm on Thursday and called the Military Police.

When officers arrived they found Mr Dempsey lying stabbed and bludgeoned on the ground with neck injuries.

Police said they had to fire rubber bullets at his son Joseph Micheletti after he resisted arrest.

The Foreign Office has said it was working with local police and providing advice to the family.

The father, who taught at the Cultura Inglesa, at Cidade Nova and Savassi, died before reaching hospital.

He added: ‘We would laugh about the way he wrote, because, while he worked hard giving English lessons, he had difficulty learning Portuguese.

Military Police have yet to confirm the reason for Micheletti’s arrest but said an investigation was ongoing and the matter now handed over to the Civil Police.

A Civil Police spokesman said the son refused to give a statement, ‘saying only that he lost consciousness at that moment he was with his father, and couldn’t remember anything.’

‘He said he is a drug user, but that he hadn’t consumed any drugs on that day, only alcohol drinks. A toxicology report of the victim has been ordered,’ the spokesman added.

Foreign Office spokesperson said: ‘Following the death of a British man in Brazil we are providing advice to his family and are in touch with the local police and seeking further information.’

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