Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Britain’s £700MILLION ring of steel to check immigration post-Brexit

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Mr Gove said the Government was ploughing £705 million into developing a wholly new immigration system beefing up security at ports across the country. The Cabinet minister said the cash would “ensure that Great Britain’s new borders will be ready when the UK takes back control on January 1, 2021, and will also lay the foundations for us to build the world’s most effective border by 2025.” Writing in the Daily Telegraph Mr Gove said the UK was investing in new infrastructure, jobs and better technology all of which he said will aid an “independent Britain”.

Accompanying this “effective border” will be a new migration policy that will seek to “open to the world’s best talent”.

Mr Gove added: “We can attract the scientists, innovators and entrepreneurs who can power future economic growth.

“It will also help us ensure our NHS has the very best professionals from across the world working in our hospitals.”

Currently EU citizens do not need a visa to work in the UK because they benefit from freedom of movement – although there are limits on claiming certain benefits.

For those from outside the EU, there is already a system in place based on points.

These points are already awarded for having English language skills, being sponsored by a company and meeting a salary threshold.

A maximum number of work visas are awarded – the cap is set at around 21,000 a year but it rarely met.

Mr Gove said: “The new technology we’re introducing will allow us to monitor with far greater precision exactly who, and what, is coming in and out of the country, enabling us to deal more effectively with organised crime and other security threats.”

British businesses and citizens will be urged today to get ready for the “UK’s new start”, as Boris Johnson prepares the country for a raft of post-Brexit bureaucracy from January 1.

A Government advertising campaign will claim that the end of the Brexit transition period will open up “significant opportunities” for the UK, but for many companies, it may initially mean more red tape and extra costs.


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With messages such as the “UK’s new start — let’s get going”, the Prime Minister hopes to remind the country that he is determined to take Britain out of the EU customs union and single market on January 1.

It will also serve as a reminder to people wishing to travel to the EU from January 1 they should have relevant travel insurance, a valid passport and the roaming policy of their mobile phone operator.

There have been multiple claims already that preparations for the end of the Brexit transition period are going well.

However, recently Mr Gove has accepted that new UK border controls with the EU will have to be phased in over six months to give companies, struggling to deal with the coronavirus crisis, more time to comply with new rules.

This has led to tensions with Trade Secretary Liz Truss who said a porous border could lead to smuggling and breach Britain’s obligations under World Trade Organization rules to carry out checks on imported goods.

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