Monday, 17 Jun 2024

Brexit revelation: Why David Cameron was told not to support ‘European integration myth’

David Cameron is known as the Prime Minister who called for the 2016 EU referendum. His Remain campaign lost and he subsequently resigned, and was succeeded by another Remainer, Theresa May. Her government attempted to negotiate a Brexit deal for the UK to leave the EU by March 31 this year, however, Parliament voted against her deal on several occasions. This led to a parliamentary deadlock, and resulted in the UK requesting a six-month extension from the EU for its Brexit deadline.

The UK joined the EU – then the EEC – in 1973, a few years after the union was formed.

However, only two years later, there was a referendum to see if the British electorate would like to stay in the bloc – while two thirds voted in favour of staying in the union at the time, Euroscepticism has been on the rise ever since.

In Kevin O’Rourke’s ‘A Short History of Brexit: From Brentry to Backstop’, the historian reveals how Mr Cameron’s Government resisted the idea of Europe even through events such as Remembrance Sunday. 

He discusses how William Wallace – who served as a Government Whip in the House of Lords under Mr Cameron’s leadership – remembered a particularly poignant moment in the preparations leading up to the annual day of commemoration.

Mr Wallace said: “He recalls a memo written for David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the time, warning that ‘we must ensure that our commemoration does not given any support to the myth that European integration was the result of the two World Wars.’”

Mr Wallace is now a Baron and member of the House Lords but he served for the Liberal Democrats between 2010 and 2015, under the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition.

Mr O’Rourke explained how November 11 – Remembrance Day – is still seen as a “strictly British affair” for this side of the channel, while the French tend to emphasise the international assistance from other countries.

According to the historian, when the French commemorate the fallen on Remembrance Day, any “political message” is usually “pro-European”.

The historian also mentioned how the UK was undefeated throughout World War Two in comparison to “France, Germany, Italy and the Benelux countries [who] had all been defeated in one way or another during the way”.

The UK, on the other hand, “retained much of its empire during the crucial decade from 1945 and 1955”, and therefore felt more self-sufficient in the aftermath of World War Two.

Mr O’Rourke suggests this level of defeat meant those countries saw “Europe’s diminished status” when they were defeated during the war, leading them to “band together in an increasingly dangerous world”.

By uniting after the war, the European countries could then allegedly challenge the growing superpowers of the US and the USSR.

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However, in order to do so, the EU’s 28 member states had to agree  “to pool some (but not all) of their sovereignty in a uniquely structured and institutionalised manner”, according to Mr O’Rourke.

One of the reasons Brexiteers would like to leave the EU is because they believe being part of the trading bloc reduces some of the UK’s parliamentary sovereignty.

Once a country is part of the EU, it is expected to follow certain laws from the bloc if most of the countries vote in favour of a new bill.

That new law would then be implemented in every country within the EU, even the ones which voted against that bill.

As Theresa May explained in September 2017: “When countries are in the minority they must sometimes accept decisions they do not want, even affecting domestic matters with no market implications beyond their borders.

“So the British electorate made a choice. They chose the power of domestic democratic control over pooling that control.”

Mrs May resigned from office over the summer, leaving No.10 to the newly-elected Conservative leader Boris Johnson.

Having campaigned for Leave back in 2016, he has become a prominent voice in the Brexit debate.

As Prime Minister, he has promised to take the UK out of the EU with or without deal by October 31 – despite Parliament has attempted to block no deal.

Mr Johnson has subsequently tried to get the opposition to agree to a snap election, so that he could strengthen his majority in Parliament.

However, the opposition parties – Labour, the SNP and the Liberal Democrats – have all refused to accept his offer, instead wanting to wait until after the EU Summit in October.

Source: Read Full Article

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