Wednesday, 9 Oct 2024

Brexit PARTY: How Jean-Claude Juncker originally ‘dreamt up’ Brexit day ‘victory party’

Jean-Claude Juncker originally wanted to plan a “victory party” on March 30 this year, the day after Brexit Britain was officially planned to fully cut ties with the European Union. BBC’s Brussels correspondent, Adam Fleming, claimed “some people had a quiet word” with the President of the European Commission to push the plans back, to Europe Day. On Thursday, EU27 leaders met in the Romanian town of Sibiu, without Britain, despite the UK still being a fully paid-up member of the EU.

Speaking on BBC’s Politics Live, Fleming said: “This summit was dreamt up two years ago by Jean-Claude Juncker who originally wanted it to happen on the day after the original Brexit day. So it was meant to be March 30.

“Some people had a quiet word with him and said ‘do you really want to have this sort of triumphalist victory party sort of vibe. Let’s do it on Europe Day in May instead’ – which is when some countries in the EU have a public holiday to celebrate the EU.

“Here we are, of course, the UK still hasn’t left, so it still not quite gone to plan.

“What is quite amazing actually, is even though Theresa May isn’t here, Steve Barclay, the Brexit Secretary has been attending a different conference about the future of Europe in this city about 10-minutes walk that way.”

This summit was dreamt up two years ago by Jean-Claude Juncker

BBC’s Brussels reporter Adam Fleming

He added: “If you want to be charitable, it is proof that the UK and EU will still face the same challenges, so they can still come to the same city to discuss them.

“If you are being less charitable, you’d say the big boys and girls sit around the table here, and the UK is relegated to a venue outside the secure zone.”

The summit on Thursday allowed EU leaders to discuss life after Britain has cut ties with the bloc, with the original idea unveiled in Mr Juncker’s 2017 ‘State of the Union’ speech.

But, due to the Mrs May asking the European Union for a Brexit delay, Britain is now officially planned to leave the European Union at the end of October this year.

The summit in Romania takes place on March 9, Europe Day, the birthday of the bloc, marking the presentation of Schuman Declaration in 1950, which proposed the creation of a European Coal and Steel Community, the forerunner to the European Union.

According to draft declarations for Thursday’s meeting, EU leaders will attempt to agree on “10 commitments”.

“There is no place for divisions that work against our collective interests. We will stay united, through thick and thin. We will show each other solidarity in times of need and we will always stand together. We can and we will speak with one voice,” the document reads.

It comes as the British Government is still locked in Brexit negotiations with the Labour Party after the Prime Minister reached out to Jeremy Corbyn to help deliver Brexit last month.

On Thursday, Labour leader Mr Corbyn said the Government has so far failed to make a “big offer” in cross-party talks aimed at ending the Brexit deadlock, as he launched the party’s European Parliament election campaign.

On Tuesday, Mrs May’s de-facto deputy David Lidington admitted European elections would go ahead on May 23, but said the Government was “redoubling our efforts” to get an EU withdrawal agreement ratified by the start of July so the MEPs elected this month never have to take their seats.

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