Wednesday, 3 Jul 2024

Brexit Party candidate hints ‘Boris Johnson will change terrible deal’ after election

After Theresa May negotiated her original deal with EU leaders, both she and Brussels insisted that it was the only possible deal. Despite this, Mr Johnson managed to renegotiate a new deal that got rid of the much-maligned Irish backstop and replaced it with a hybrid customs arrangement. However, Nigel Farage has lambasted the Prime Minister’s deal, branding it “not a real Brexit” and claiming it is even worse than Mrs May’s deal.

Nevertheless, the Brexit Party leader decided to stand his candidates down in all the seats the Tories won in 2017 in what he called a “unilateral Leave alliance”.

He said: “The Brexit Party will not contest the 317 seats the Conservatives won at the last election.

“We will concentrate our total effort into all the seats that are held by the Labour Party, who have completely broken their manifesto pledge in 2017 to respect the result of the referendum, and we will also take on the rest of the Remainer parties.

“We will stand up and fight them all.”

While some candidates were disgruntled, Ian Berkeley-Hurst, who is the Brexit Party candidate for Wrexham in northeast Wales, told that he supported the move.

Asked to reconcile the idea that Mr Johnson’s deal with “not a real Brexit” with standing aside for half his candidates, Mr Berkeley-Hurst, said the Brexit Party would push to make sure he Mr Johnson delivers on the EU referendum result.

He added that he even suspected Mr Johnson might change his deal once he has won a majority.

The Brexit Party PPC said: “There’s no question that the type of treaty that Boris has negotiated is terrible, we certainly don’t want it.

“But I suspect that if he gets a majority in Parliament he will change it when he negotiates with the EU.”

This shock claim contradicts Mr Johnson’s own words as he claims he has an “oven ready” deal that he wants to pass through Parliament as quickly as possible.

He said at the start of his election campaign: “After three and a half years, it was perfectly obvious to me this Parliament is just not going to vote Brexit through, there are too many people opposed to Brexit who want to frustrate it.

“The only thing we can really do now is go to the people, go to the country, let’s get this thing done.

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“We have an oven ready deal, let’s put it in the microwave, as soon as we get back after the election on December 12.”

Mr Berkeley-Hurst is optimistic about the Brexit Party’s chances both nationally and in his constituency.

He suggested that they could even win 20 to 50 seats in the General Election, although the YouGov MRP poll puts them on zero seats.

His constituency, Wrexham, is traditionally a Labour stronghold, having elected a Labour MP  in every election since 1935.

For the first time, however, Labour’s hold on the area appears to be slipping; recent polling indicates the seat might be taken by the Conservatives for the first time.

Defending Mr Farage’s decision to stand down in Tory-held seats, Mr Berkeley-Hurst said they wanted to avoid a “Labour-SNP situation” and to focus on seats where they had a chance of winning.

He told “From our point of view, we weighed up all the figures for the best seats and realised if we weren’t careful, we could actually end up with a Labour-SNP situation.

“So I think pragmatically Nigel took the right view, I totally support him, and we looked at the seats we could realistically win.

“And I think you’ll find that the candidates popping up all over the country are in seats where we have a really good chance, in seats that the Conservatives wouldn’t necessarily have won.”

While Mr Johnson hopes to pass his Brexit deal, Mr Farage is advocating for a “clean break Brexit” – in other words, no deal – Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour has promised a second referendum and the Jo Swinson’s Liberal Democrats have asserted that they would revoke Article 50.

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