Monday, 17 Jun 2024

Brexit bombshell: Expelled Tory grandee Ken Clarke says he might vote Liberal Democrat

On Monday Mr Clarke was one of 21 Conservative MPs who voted against the Government to allow backbench MPs to seize control of the Parliamentary agenda. This allowed the passage of a motion banning any no deal Brexit on October 31, unless Parliament gives its express consent.

Following Monday’s vote Mr Clarke and the other Tory rebels had the Conservative whip withdrawn.

Mr Clarke served in Cabinet under Margaret Thatcher, John Major and David Cameron holding offices including Chancellor and Home Secretary.

Speaking to The Observer he commented: “I haven’t made my mind up which way I’m going to vote.

“It depends where Boris has taken us by then.

“If I was going to cast a protest vote, I would follow the Conservative tradition of voting Liberal Democrat”.

The Liberal Democrats, under the leadership of Jo Swinson, are committed to overturning the 2016 Brexit referendum result.

They have gained a number of MPs over the past few weeks via defections from other parties and victory in the Brecon and Radnorshire by-election.

Mr Clarke admitted he would be prepared to see Jeremy Corbyn become Prime Minister than a no deal exit.

READ MORE: Jeremy Corbyn would win election if Brexit delayed beyond October 31

He commented: “Both are awful prospects, but I think a no-deal Brexit could cause far more damage to our future economic success than Corbyn.”

Mr Clarke campaigned for ‘Remain’ ahead of the 2016 referendum.

Last month he said he’d be willing to serve as the leader of a temporary ‘caretaker’ Government to stop a no deal exit.

During the interview Mr Clarke argued the Tory leadership are focused on taking votes from the Brexit Party.


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Referring to Mr Johnson he asserted: “You can tell what his pitch is going to be.

“It’s going to be: I really wanted a deal, I was nearly there, we were on the point of a deal and it’s all the fault of those cunning foreigners in Brussels and those awful MPs.

“Because what they are after is the Brexit vote.

“They’re obsessed with winning the votes of Nigel Farage’s party.”

On Saturday Amber Rudd announced her resignation from Cabinet and surrender of the Conservative Party whip.

The former work and pensions secretary later took to Twitter to justify her decision.

She commented: “I have resigned from Cabinet and surrendered the Conservative Whip.

“I cannot stand by as good, loyal moderate Conservatives are expelled.

“I have spoken to the PM and my Association Chairman to explain.

“I remain committed to the One Nation values that drew me into politics.”

Those who lost the whip on Monday included former Chancellor Philip Hammond and Tory leadership contender Rory Stewart.

Source: Read Full Article

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